chapter 20

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The last thing I remember is falling to the ground and foot steps approaching me, I prayed it wasn't Frank. How did life get me here, it wasn't perfect but I loved it. I kept getting flashbacks to days being with Frank just being forced to do things that I didnt want to do. I hear beeping sound but for the life of me couldn't open my eyes, this took me back to a day Philip and I were talking about the future. He kept telling me that he wanted to get married and have a huge family,  I smiled and told him I will get fat by the time we have our tenth child, but he says he didn't care. My eyes finally opened not without tears running out, I see many flowers, roses, lilies,  sunflower,  by my bed side and there Philip was sitting in a chair sleeping, he had Meredith in his hand, clearly trying not to drop her. I see her looking at me and then she cried for me.

"Mama, " she was jumping up and down causing her to wake Philip, he awoke immediately checking on her then on me, his eyes grew wider when he saw mine. He walked over and stood next to me, he saw that I was crying.

"Why are you crying? "

I couldn't reply before Meredith jumped on me and began hugging and kissing me, I missed that, soon too did Philip, he kissed me so hard and long I don't think he was going to let go until a cop entered the room.

"Hello, Mr .Ward."

He looked up.

"Hi, detective, my wife is finally awake, honey this is detective Stevens he is working on the case."

I nodded too weak to shake hands.

"Can we talk outside?"he nudged to Philip.

I wanted to know what was going on, "no I want to hear, this involves me."

"Honey I don't want to upset you."

"No I am fine."

Philip nodded at the detective.

"Well Frank is nowhere to be found, no trace nothing,  we have been looking in this, the house was spot less no trace of anything happened there."

Immediately my nerves began to frale up and I toned out the convo, no Frank so he can come back again and this time kill me, what am I going to do.

"Thanks detective" the detective walks out the room.

"So he can come back?" I asked.

"Yes, but he won't get you, I am here now."

"You were the last time, I can't go through all that again Philip, I would rather die than go through that again."

Immediately he broke down and started crying.

"It breaks my heart that you would rather die than trust me, this pass two weeks has been hell for me, not knowing where you were, we seperated in the past but I knew you were here. I can't live without you, all the mistakes I have made and this happen caused me to see how precious you are to me."

"And I wasn't before." Pressing him.

"Of course you were but now I know for a fact that I can't lose you."

I didn't like it when he cried, he was precious to me too and its sad that it took me almost dieing for him to realise. I held out my hand for comfort, he took it and kissed it.

"I love you" I reminded him.

Aftet a couple days in the hospital, I was cleared to go home my sweet lovely wonderful home. I walked in the door and there Susan was with Jace, my heart jumped, my little man was there. I grabbed him so tightly and kissed him, I missed him a lot.

"How you feeling? " Susan asked.

"Better, I should say."

She came over and hugged me too.

"I am glad you are alright, I missed you."

The doorbell rang, Philip walked over and answered it, an excited voice hugged him. It was a woman, she looked so happy to see him, I looked at Philip who was shocked and so was Susan as well. She walked over to her and touched her as if to see if she was real,  she too hugged her. I was confused what is going on.

Philip took her over to me and I could tell he was in shock.

"Honey this is Elizabeth, Franks ex fiancee,"I looked him like what.

"Jace's mother." Now I get it, this was the woman who was supposed to be killed in a car accident, but how is she alive.

"Hi, nice to meet you."

"Same to you too, I know they probably have told you the story. " she replied

"Yeah, well its not all true, I heard what happened and I am so sorry. " she hugged me.

"Where have you been?" Philip asked.

She walked over to the couch and sat, "well lets just say it wasn't easy, not being in my son's life but I had to leave for my safety, I guess you know by now how bad your brother is. Well our relationship wasn't as it appeared,  we had good times but Frank was always jealous of other guys, just anyone that talks to me either the delivery guy or mail guy or anyone. It started as verbal, then physical once in a while to everyday, there were days I couldn't go to work because I was in so much pain, I tried to leave multiple times, but he kept saying he would kill me. Then it stopped when I got pregnant,  I think that saved my life, until after Jace was born we were riding home and he blacked on me, he took me from the car and started beating me, almost strangling me. I played dead to avoid this,  then he pulled me in the car, I was so weak. After we got home and he took Jace out I ran and never looked back."

I looked at her in sympathy, she has been through so much and yet so strong and to think she is ao beautiful, like a model, with high cheek bones and full lips.  What is wrong with Frank I thought.

"How did you stay safe? " Philip asked.

"I did what I had to do, I bought things Frank didn't know about and got a place I knew he wouldn't be able to fine, plus I stayed low."

"If you needed us you could have come."

"So that he could find me, no am already risking being here." She said.

"How did you find out about Ally?"

"I left but not my connections."

"I told her." We all looked at Susan.

"Why didn't you tell me? "Philp asked.

"I begged her not to." Elizabeth said.

"You know how much a monster our brother is, I never expected this." Susan added.

"So why are you back?" Philip asked.

"Because he's not going to stop until he kills her, we know that."

Immediately I felt the air left my body and I began to cry, we all know that's true. Philip walked over to me and took me to the bedroom.

"Baby, listen to me please don't cry I won't let anything happen to you, if its your life or mine, I will give it for you, just please don't cry."

I hear him but still nothing was being registered.

"I love you."

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