chapter 10

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Its a short chapter, I had to put this in... so plz enjoy...

Since Philip proposed I have been on cloud 9, he makes me feel so special everyday. From the way he holds me in his arms when we sleep, to the way he says good morning even down to the way he makes breakfast for me, I don't know what it is but I love it, and I made sure to do the same show him how special he is to me. Planning a wedding too was no joke, so many things to think about, venue, food, wedding party, guest and the list goes on. His family and mine were excited will,  I don't know about his parents. It sucks that your in-laws don't like you but what can I do, nothing, its not my fault they are racist. Normally wedding is a woman's thing but I made sure Philip was 100 with me on this, we only invited 50 close friends and family, the wedding would take place in Jamaica a setting over looking the ocean. Everything was set from dress, to venue to people.

With a week to go I was sitting in Philip's apartment when his doorbell rang, I walked over and answered it. I wasn't expecting anyone, so I was shocked to see his mother in front me.

"Hi" she said casually.

"Hi," I replied.

She walked into the apartment and sat where I was sitting.

"Philip won't be here in like an hour, would you like a drink?"

"No, but we can talk."

I got nervous all of a sudden but walked over and sat next to her.

"I can't wait for the wedding,  seeing my youngest son get married."

"Are you really?"

She looks at me, "look Ally what happened at the house, I am sorry for but you don't know how it feels, its like your losing a child all over again, no matter what woman he choses a mother will always hates her. Your skin is different yes, and am sorry for the way it sounded but a lot of times you say things not because your angry at the person but because you can't help what they do."

"That's not how it sounded to me?" I said

" I know how it sounded but thats not how I meant to say it, I don't dislike you because of your skin, I don't dislike you at all,  its just your skin made it easier to hate on you. Am an old fashion women, and this is new to me and I dont want you to think I don't like, because I do."

"I want us as a family to get along, I don't want when we have kids to seperate holidays. "

She looks at me and laugh then burst out in tears, this surprised me,"that part kills me."

I didn't know what was taking place but I drew closer to her and placed my arms around her, "I didn't mean to upset you


"No its not you, its the fact that I won't be around to enjoy any of that,  any new grandkids, life is so funny, that's why you need to enjoy all you got right now." Again I don't know what she's talking about.

"I dying, I have brain cancer, I had it a couple years ago, but I beat it and now its back so aggressively, I don't have a chance and the doctor told me, I have less than a year to live, I haven't even told anyone yet especially Philip."

Now I realised her bitterness towards me, she hates the fact that I will be able to enjoy life with Philip and she won't. Now I feel so bad, I hugged her and assured her that I will do anything for her.

Philip had came home he was surprised to see me and his mom getting along, dinner was beautiful Susan and Frank had joined us. The best time to tell them, I could see the sadness in her eyes, but seeing her kids laugh, I could tell she dredded that moment. She got up and looks at everyone, then told them about her cancer. I never seen so many faces dropped especially Philip he took it the hardest.  For that night I had to be his rock, he cried and cried and cried and I was his shoulder. I was his protector and boy was it a job, I hated seeing him like this. After everyone left and we were alone we rarely spoke, well he cried, but I didn't care,  his vulnerability made me love him even more. For that I was so proud to be his wife.

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