chapter 9

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The ride to the hamptons has been long and quiet Philip tried countless times but couldn't cheer me up. We arrived to this very beautiful mansion by the seaside,  we walked to the door and Philip opened it. Did I say this house was beautiful the opening opened to a double arch stairway, and a huge ceiling painted Sistine chapel style. Already there was Frank, and Jace who ran over to me and I picked him up. So adorable, then in walks a very beautiful young woman,  same blue eyes as Frank and Philip. It was Susan their sister, she was so beautiful and had a slender body.

"You're better than what he told me," she smiles.

"Mom and dad will come later today, and Nicole is coming too." Frank said.

"Why is Nicole coming?" Philip asked

"Mom wants her here I guess." Susan said.

I rolles my eyes to myself.

Susan grabbed me and Jace and led us upstairs.

"I saw that,  I don't like here either, she's too much sometimes and I don't like it. But my family likes her, but I know she isn't for him."

"I just hope your parents aren't that bad." I said

"I hope so too. "

It was now evening time, I had fell asleep with Jace next to me, but I heard chatter downstairs,  I took Jace in my hands and took him downstairs.  I noticed all eyes were on me as I reached the bottom step.  Philip's parents looked at me mid sentence with their mouth open, not in shock but surprise.  Philip left their side and walked over to my side.

"Mom and dad, I wouod like you to meet my fiancee Ally."

I walked over to their side and extended my hand, they were apprehensive but shook it, both Frank and Susan stared at me.

"Nice to meet you Ally" his father said.

That's a start. Dinner was another story itself kinda awkward I was questioned from top to bottom,  my job, school, family, money, kids.  I could see everyone was holding their breath, did I mention Nicole was their and she seems to be enjoying this. But dinner was over I had joined Frank in the living room waiting for everyone, Susan, Philip, his mom and Nicole all stood in the kitchen washing up, I felt bad knowing I wasn't helping.  So I got up and walked towards the kitchen as I got to the door I noticed only the mom,  and Nicole were the only ones in the kitchen.

"I don't know why he's marrying her, she isn't good enough for him. My son is my son and I will be damned if he marries her. Maybe she wants his money or maybe its something else, my son has no sense when it comes to women. A black girl, how degrading." She fumed.  That was enough to bring tears to my eyes,  Philip walked over and I began to straight up bawl, both his mom and Nicole heard me and rushed over.

"What is going on?" She asked.

"I can't change the color of my skin but you don't need to be so cruel, I have done nothing to you but am black and that's why you hate me and think am not good enough for your son."

Philip looks at his mother and Nicole and see the guilt on their face.

"Ma, I love her and no matter what you say or think I will marry her."

I pulled away from Philip and ran out the house down towards the beach. I had a stopped crying at that point and sat on the beach watching the wave thinking about what I had heard. I lay on the beach feeling soathed by the sound of the waves, then I looked up and see a man standing over me, I was startled but glad to see that it was Frank, he sat next to me.

"I am sorry, Philip told me everything and told me to  come check up on you."

I didn't say anything, I just smiled at him and layed my head on his chest, I consider Frank a brother not quite like Philip but he is so nice to me too. Maybe because am engaged to his brother.

"Thanks Frank"

The rest of the night we spent talking about Philip and Susan, taking my mind off his mom, it was so nice hearing stories about my future husband. We talked until I fell asleep. I woke up and found Frank's arm around me, if you see us you would have thought we were a couple, and imagine how it looked to Philip. Looking up at his fuming face, I quickly got away from Frank and rushed over to him. Frank awoke and saw Philip.

"This isn't what it looks like." I said

But he wasnt having it, he stormed off and I followed him.

"Please stop and listen to me. "

He didn't listen he walked faster until we reached the house and up to his room.

"Would you please listen to me, I know it looks like that but all we did was talk and he told me stories about you and  susan."

"But you had to lay on his chest?" He asked

"I didn't even realize,  I was upset and he was being nice, when I fell asleep I didn't even realize that's how it looked, he's your brother I would never sleep with him."

"I just don't like how it looks." He said

"I am sorry, I didn't mean for it to, but I didn't want to be in the house and you sent him for me, rather than come looking for me."

"I didn't want you more upset with me than you were, I hate seeing you cry and that broke my heart."

He walked over to me and grabbed my waist and began kissing me.

"I love you and my mom had crossed a line last night and seeing you like that only make me want you more."

I began to smile and kisses him.

"Well then I guess someone might get lucky tonight."

He lifts me off my feet above his head.

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