Chapter 1

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All rights for this story reserved to me, some misspelt words as I had not a lot of time to edit... plz enjoy.. plz guys comment and let me know what you think.....

Hi guys before you read, there are some errors, for some reason I have read over and corrected them. The spelling are accurate on my pages but not on the viewers, I have tried countless times to get it fixed but nothing... So sorry for the misspelling...

I awoke to the sound of my alarm, 'so annoying', but I can't have gotten anywhere in life without it. I rolled out bed and walked into the bathroom, so small. On a whole my apartment is so small, I pay close to two thousand dollars to live in a box. It has a nice view overlooking the Manhattan building. With my mirror in front me, slowly I analysed myself. At just twenty-five I am really proud of what I had accomplished with my life, not only am I a junior at Goldman and Sachs,  but today would mark me reaching the one million mark in my bank account. Quite a lot of money for a single black female,  but I earned it with all that overtime and long hours and for that am looking to move into a new apartment.  I quickly got ready for work, getting dressed in one of my many, fitted pencil skirt suit.

Arriving at the office everyone was already seated, I was the last to arrive, my fellow employees giving me the one over, I didn't mind, working in a male dominated feild only made me grew a tough skin. The top executive was coming in to my department,  the finance department,  to congratulate us on our good job. Before anything could start my phone beep, showing me  there is an email, quickly I looked down to my phone and opened it. The meeting had started and the executive had arrived,  but I was too preoccupied with my phone to notice him, this email was driving crazy, 'it was a co-worker  asking if I could assist her with the presentation', how very frustrating.  With that I placed my phone in my bag and looked up,  my breath was immediately taken away, by the most breathtaking man I have ever seen. About 6'2, blond hair very deep blue eyes, how did I know how deep, they were staring directly at me and no one else. His lips were moving but I am not hearing anything he is saying. My fellow employees were smiling and nodding but not me I was too taken by his beauty to say anything.

I sat in my office going over the presentation that my coworker was supposed to do but couldn't finish in time, low and behold we had to present it to our bosses and his boss, who was traveling out of town. Michelle her name is was nervous and so was I. I have done presentations a hundred times and this I thought was a piece of cake.

"I dont know why you're not nervous?" Michelle

"I have done this a hundred times". I replied

"So have I but this is still one thing I really hate". Michelle

"You'll be fine" I replied.

We made our way to the office, the door opened and in we walked all my confidence was stripped as soon as I entered and saw him. Who is he, well...

Hi, good morning, Mr.Davis (Our boss), Mr. Duhan (boss from out of town), Mr. Bell (our other boss) and Mr.Ward (executive/hottie from this morning). They all replied with a pleasant hello, but him his eyes never left me making me feel uneasy. Michelle placed the flash drive in the computer and the presentation began, she talked while I stood there and think. How come I never recognised him before, why is he staring at me. All I can say is he is one of the cutest guys ever, but why is he drawn to me, maybe he wants something,  like a fantasy with a black girl, a test drive. I was quickly drawn out my head when Michelle called me.

"Ally, do you have anything to add?" She watched concerned. I looked ay the men but no words was leaving my mouth, just stares.

I sat in my office thinking that meeting was a bust, at the end of the day,  all that can cheer me up is the gym. That's where am headed to after work, Michelle walked over and stopped in my office.

"What was that? "

"Don't ask." I replied.

"Well one things for sure, the executive likes you, a lot it seem."

I rolled my eyes."No, I don't know why he's always looking at me thought, its really frustrating and throwing me off."

"I wouldn't mind him throwing me off like that," she fired back

"He's all yours". I dismissed her.

The day went by without incident and am glad I didn't see him again, as I wasn't looking forward to that again, but getting work done throughout the day. Enough time to finish early and go to the gym. Eqinox gym exclusive and expensive, well was like a getaway for me,  I did my usual 45mins cardio,  and another 45 weight lifting, I was tired just to say the least, walking towards the fountain I notice a group of five guys  just staring at  me, is something wrong,  do I have tissue stuck to my shoes or worst is my underwear out. No mentally checking myself, nothing, but then I am met with the same pair of blue eyes earlier. Really I thought,  this isn't such a safe place anymore. The guys were all good looking and in shape and am flattered yet scared to say the least. I rolledy eyes and quickly walked into the locker, grabbing my things and walked out. Not without incident,  he was waiting at the door for me, I didn't know if I should run or smile. I did neither, I walked over to him.


He gave me a huge grin but I didn't smile back.

"I see you workout at my gym, I have noticed you but didnt know you worked at the firm." He said

"Yeah, it is a big company."

"So where you going?"

" Home," I replied casually

"Do you want to grab a drink and we can talk more? " he asked casually.

Thinking it over my mind and my body wanted to say yes, but then again what is the catch, booty, maybe.

"I can't,  I have things to do."

I could sense he was disappointed.

"Things? " he quizzed

With that I came right out and say it, "I am sure you're a good guy but if your looking for a good time am not the right one." With that I walked away and out the gym.

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