Chapter 7

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Following Liam upstairs, Lennon stopped him at the top of the stairs. "Are you really going to let a bunch of teenagers take over the basement?"

He shrugged, his tone casual. "They're mostly playing video games. They'll be alright."

Lennon chuckled, rolling her eyes. "Oh, sure. Because that's exactly what we were doing at their age."

Chris's curiosity was piqued. "And what were you up to when you were 13, Lennon?"

She groaned, forgetting that Chris was present. "None of your business."

He nudged her playfully. "Oh, come on. I danced for you."

"Danced? What are you talking about?" Liam's suspicious gaze shifted between the two.

Lennon let out another groan, feeling her face heat up. "Nothing, Liam. Ignore him." She lightly hit Chris in the chest. "Just forget it."

Liam's expression lingered, scrutinizing them. "Alright, you two. Let's go."

Following him into the living room, Lennon sat on the couch, sandwiched between the edge and Meagan. She watched as Chris took a seat in a chair across from her. "Where's Becca?"

Meagan explained, "She's playing in her room with Carly's kids, Stella and Miles."

Nodding, Lennon smiled. "So, your kids are all friends? That's cute."

Meagan grinned mischievously. "Our kids could be friends if you moved back home and got married."

Lennon's face flushed crimson. She looked up to find Liam smirking and Chris chuckling. "I don't know why you're laughing, Chris. You're more interested in some random girl on your phone than actually putting yourself out there to meet anyone."

"On his phone, huh?" Liam's curiosity was evident.

Lennon groaned, shooting Liam a warning glare. "Oh, shut up, Liam."

Chris's smirk deepened. "Come on, Lenny. It's already out there."

"What's out there?"

She looked from Chris to Carly, deciding to escape to the kitchen. The groan slipped past her lips when she heard Chris follow her.

"I'm sorry, Lennon. I just don't see the point in hiding things." Chris gently touched her arm, concern in his eyes. "What happened?"

Lennon shook her head, tears pooling in her eyes. She faced him, her voice barely a whisper. "My dad used to call me Lenny. It's a name no one else really uses. Usually, I'm called Lennon or Len. Sorry, I'm being silly."

He chuckled, pulling her into a comforting embrace. "You're not being silly. I'm sorry, it just slipped out." He felt her resistance initially, but then she relaxed into his arms.

"It's alright. Actually, I liked it. I was just worried, I guess."

He pulled back slightly to meet her gaze. "Worried about what?"

"That what we had over the phone won't be the same in person. We don't really know each other well, Chris."

He shrugged, a reassuring smile on his lips. "We have time, Lennon. And tell me that kiss wasn't amazing."

Lennon laughed softly, her cheeks tinged pink. "It was."

Chris's smile broadened. "Good. Then it's settled. When are you heading back home?"

"Tomorrow afternoon. Why do you ask? What's settled?"

He gave her a playful shrug. "Come over in the morning, and I'll make you breakfast. Just you, me, and Dodger. Waffles sound good?"

Lennon laughed, surprised and delighted. "Seriously? Alright, it's a date." She chuckled again, noticing the warmth in his smile as he let go of her. As they rejoined the gathering in the living room, she couldn't help but feel a new excitement.

"She agreed to a date!"

Groaning at the cheers and laughter that followed, Lennon playfully swatted Chris on the chest. "Seriously?"

Chris shrugged nonchalantly. "Why not? We've been talking for a few weeks, sort of."

"You have?"

Chris nodded, then looked at his sister and gestured toward Lennon. "Meet the girl from my phone."

Carly stood up, baffled. "Wait, how is that possible?"

Lennon shrugged, her smile growing. "I accidentally texted him, thinking he was someone else. I thought he'd lose interest, but he kept responding."

Chris chimed in. "Yeah, same here. It just sort of happened. We didn't meet until today. But I knew who she was as soon as I heard her name. I'd gone through a bunch of 'L' names in my head since we started talking." He glanced at Lennon, a fondness in his eyes. "And that laugh. We've only talked on the phone once, but I recognize that laugh anywhere."

Lennon groaned playfully, her cheeks warming at everyone's amused expressions.


Sitting at the kitchen counter, Lennon enjoyed some leftover cake after the party had ended. She assumed everyone else was asleep, but the sound of someone entering the kitchen behind her indicated otherwise. Without turning around, she already knew it was Liam. "What's up?"

Liam grabbed a fork and leaned over the counter to share the cake. "So, you and Chris?"

Lennon groaned, pushing the cake toward him. "Yeah, I suppose."

"Why do you sound bothered? Maybe he'll convince you to move to Concord."

She chuckled. "I said I'd consider it. And if I decide to take the school job, it'll be for me, not for you or Chris."

Liam nodded, letting out a sigh. "Alright, then what's bothering you?"

Lennon shrugged, a sense of unease lingering. "What if the chemistry in person isn't as strong as it is over the phone? What if we meet and there's nothing between us, Liam?"

Liam scoffed, shaking his head. "Oh, come on. We all know that won't be the case. Just go meet him tomorrow. Have breakfast, chat, get to know him face to face. You might be surprised."

Nodding, Lennon sighed. "I know. I'm going, don't worry. How could I say no to a guy offering to make me waffles?"

Liam laughed heartily. "Exactly. And based on what Meagan and Carly say, he's a really great guy. Give him a chance. You said there was nothing with Pete, right?"

"Yeah, there wasn't." She let out a sigh. "Okay, Liam. I'm starting to think this is all just a scheme for you to be related to Captain America. Geek."

Liam laughed again, his eyes shining. "I also want you to be happy and find someone who loves you and takes care of you. The fact that Captain America might become my brother-in-law is just a bonus."

Lennon chuckled and rolled her eyes. "You're impossible." She groaned playfully. "Does this mean I have to watch all those movies now?" She laughed at the eagerness in Liam's expression.

"Absolutely. At the very least, the Captain America and Avengers movies."

She sighed dramatically. "Alright, fine. But not with you. I'll watch them with James."

Liam nodded approvingly. "Sounds like a plan, Len. He's going to love that."

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