Chapter 10

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Lennon let Chris into her apartment, showing him to the living room. "I'm going to change my clothes. I'll be right back."

Chris stood at the couch, watching her in the doorway of her room, "I can help."

She laughed, "yeah. I bet you can. Sit Evans." She saw him smirk as he sat on the couch and she entered her bedroom, closing the door behind her. When she came back out she found him up, looking at pictures of Liam and herself as children.

He pointed to a photo she drew of her parents, "you did this?"

She nodded, "I did. Right after my dad died a few years ago."

He smiled, "you're so good. So you play guitar and you're an artist. Any other hidden talents?"

She giggled, only having dirty thoughts run through her mind, "I don't know."

He smirked, watching her wheels turning, "sure Lenny, whatever you say." He followed her into the kitchen, "so, what's for dinner. Can I help?"

She nodded, pulling some vegetables from the fridge and setting them on the counter. She grabbed a cutting board and knife, handing it to him, "can I trust you with a knife?"

He laughed, "guess we'll find out."

"Cut these up, doesn't have to be perfect." She pointed to an onion and some peppers. She cut up a bunch of cherry tomatoes after setting some water to boil. By the time she was done, the water was ready for the pasta. She put it in, sitting on the counter as she watched Chris finish cutting the rest of the vegetables.

When he finished, he turned to see her watching him, "I thought you were making me dinner."

She nodded, "I am. You're my sous chef." She hopped off the counter, pulling out another pan for olive oil, adding the onions and peppers to it. She sat back on the counter, seeing him approach her.

He positioned himself between her legs on the counter, making her at eye level. He didn't ask this time as he grabbed her waist delicately with his right hand, placing his left hand on her cheek as he leaned into her lips.

She couldn't help the moan as she wrapped her arms around his neck, feeling his tongue only teasing hers. She groaned, pushing him away to jump off the counter, "you're going to make me burn dinner."

He laughed, "sorry."

"Sure you are." She finished making dinner, throwing it all together at the end.


She nodded, "yes. I thought our time could be better spent than in the kitchen the whole time." She squealed as he pinned her back against the counter, resting his hands on either side of her.

"Oh yeah? Like what Lenny?"

She wrapped her arms around him, "I think you know." She heard him moan as she pulled his lips back to hers, feeling him press his body firmly to hers.

He grabbed her waist, lifting to set her back on the counter as he felt her wrapping her legs around him. He groaned, pulling away slightly, "dessert first? Please."

She nodded in agreement, "please." She heard him growl softly as he wrapped both arms around her, carrying her to her bedroom. She quickly undressed after he set her on her feet, watching him do the same. "Wow."

He smirked as she ran her hands along his torso, running her fingers softly over his tattoos. "Lenny. I need you. Now."

"Me too." She heard him grunt as she pulled him to her, turning him to push him back onto the bed. She saw him smiling, his eyes roaming all over her body as she took her place on top of him, straddling him as she lowered herself onto him.


Before he could finish, she crashed her lips into his as she felt his hands on her hips, guiding her onto him. She moaned, grabbing his hands to pin them above his head.

He moaned, feeling her taking control, "god Lenny."

She chuckled, moving her hips on and off him slowly at first, watching him throw his head back, exposing his neck as she leaned down. She kissed and nibbled on his neck, from his chin down to his collarbone and up the left side of his shoulder and back to the side of his neck. She heard him panting as she sped up, releasing his hands. She squealed as he grabbed her waist, throwing her onto her back without losing contact. "Fuck Chris."

He chuckled, taking over as he felt her wrap her legs around him, pulling him in closer to her. It was her turn to pant as she heard herself barely get out the word...

"Harder..." She felt him oblige as he moaned, leaning his mouth back to hers as he thrust harder. She clung her hands to his neck and hair, keeping his mouth firmly on hers until they both finished.

He grunted, collapsing onto the bed next to her. "What are the odds."

She laughed, "that we'd have great sex? Or just us in general?"

He chuckled, rolling to face her, "I meant the latter, but both really. Yeah."

She rolled so they were facing each other, "me too. Almost as if I was meant to accidentally message you."

He nodded, "yes." He hesitated before getting off the bed, "I'm hungry now."

She laughed, standing up to slip her underwear back on along with a t-shirt as she watched him slip on his own underwear. "Let's eat dinner then." She followed him back to the kitchen, showing him where glasses and a bottle of wine were as she plated the pasta for them. While they ate, she turned to him, "spend the night?"

Chris smiled, "I was hoping I could."

She nodded, "good."


When they were laying in bed before falling asleep, she heard Chris sigh, "what?"

He turned to face her, "I'm falling Lenny. Far quicker than I normally do. Please tell me I'm not alone."

She ran her hand up his chest, placing it on his cheek, "you're not alone."

He moaned softly, turning to pin her underneath him on the bed, "good."

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