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2 years later

Chris woke up to the sound of groaning and turned to see Lennon clutching her stomach. Sitting up, he asked with concern. "Are you okay, love?"

Lennon shifted to face him, taking his hand and placing it on her stomach as he settled back down beside her. "I'm fine, babe. Your son is just doing somersaults in there."

He chuckled, his hand resting on her belly as he felt their baby kicking against his palm. "I was worried for a moment."

Lennon laughed softly. "No need to worry now. So, have you thought of a name?"

He sighed, moving closer to rest his head against hers. "I'm not entirely sure. Maybe Matthew?"

Her smile brightened. "Oh, I like that. How about Edward? Eddie, for short. Like Eddie Vedder."

Chris chuckled. "Sticking with musician-inspired names, huh?"

She nodded playfully. "You know it."

"Matthew Edward? Matty Evans."

Lennon nodded once more. "I love it."

"Me too." Rising from the bed, Chris offered her a hand to help her up. "You should freshen up. People will be here for your baby shower in a few hours. I'll go tidy up and make you some breakfast."

"Yes, sir."

He laughed, leaning down to plant a gentle kiss on her forehead. "I love you, Lenny."


Liam settled down beside his sister, and she leaned her head on his shoulder, a warm smile on her face. "Hello, big brother."

Liam returned the smile, his eyes filled with affection. "Hey. How's my nephew doing? Do we have a name yet?"

She gently placed his hand on her stomach as the baby kicked. "Matthew."

"I love it!" Liam's enthusiasm was palpable.

Looking up, she smiled at Lisa as she handed her a glass of water. "Thank you. Chris picked the first name, and I chose Edward for the middle name."

Liam patted her leg, his pride evident. "It's a wonderful choice. I'm so happy for you, and I'm really proud of how far you've come since everything."

She nodded, offering him the water before resting her hands on her stomach. "It's definitely easier to move forward when the person who haunted you is no longer around."

Liam sighed in understanding. "I know. I love you."

"I love you too, Liam. And I'm truly okay, honestly." She held up her left hand, displaying her wedding ring, then glanced across the room to where Chris was watching her.

Liam smiled knowingly. "You're married and with a baby on the way. Everything is good now. I won't worry about you as much."

"I appreciate that. Chris takes excellent care of me, you know."

"He really does, Lennon." Liam leaned over to kiss her cheek before standing up, making way for Chris to take his spot beside her. "Hey, babe."

Chris rested his hand on her stomach, his concern and affection evident. "You look tired."

Lennon smiled softly. "I am, a bit. I'll be alright." Chris shifted away slightly, placing a pillow on his lap, and she settled her head on it.

She felt his fingers gently combing through her hair as one of his hands rested on her belly. "I love you, Chris."

~~~~The End~~~

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