Chapter 11

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She woke up the following morning in bed alone. She groaned, getting up to wrap her blanket around her as she followed noises into the kitchen, "Chris?"

"Good morning Lenny!"

She grumbled as she sat at the counter, and he slid a cup of coffee towards her, "I thought you weren't a morning person."

He laughed, "I'm not really. But I wanted to make you breakfast. Just say thank you and drink your coffee."

She nodded, "thank you." She heard him snicker as she smirked, dropping the blanket on the ground and drinking her coffee.

He turned back to her and handed her some eggs and bacon with toast, "so I thought I could bring you to Concord today."

She nodded hesitantly as she began to eat her eggs, "okay. Why?"

He shrugged, "I may know the director of the community theater you were talking about yesterday. I can introduce you, and you can talk to her about the prospect of using it for art classes or maybe even guitar lessons."

"Oh. Okay. That sounds great Chris."


She sat in the car with Chris, watching him as he drove. "Why are you staring?"

She laughed, "because you're so beautiful. Who gave you permission to be such a beautiful human being."

He smirked, "my mother."

She laughed again as she felt him grab her hand, kissing the back of her hand before intertwining his fingers with hers. She dropped his hand as she leaned towards him, kissing his neck as she watched him grip onto the steering wheel.

"What are you doing Len?"

She giggled with her lips still pressed to his neck, "I'm kissing you, Chris. Is it distracting?"

He moaned softly, "very."

"Oh." She brought her hand to the growing bulge between his legs, rubbing firmly as she heard another moan, "how's this?" She didn't hear a response, only some groans as she unzipped his pants.


"Shh." She pulled his cock from his jeans, running her tongue along the shaft as she felt him place his right hand on her back. "Just drive." She rolled her tongue around the tip, flicking and teasing as she heard him begin to pant. She giggled as she took him firmly in her mouth, eliciting a loud moan from above her.

"Fuck Lenny!"

He moved his hand to the back of her head, running his hand through her hair as she bobbed. She took it all the way to the back of her throat, waiting a moment and then back out a few times. She leaned back to look at him, "I can stop."

He moaned, "don't you dare fucking stop Len."

She laughed as he pushed her head back onto his desperate cock and she became more aggressive. She soon heard him moaning, gripping her hair tightly. She heard him trying to warn her, but she knew, taking him all the way as she felt the spurting, keeping him in place as she swallowed until he was done. She leaned back, trying to catch her breath.

"Len.. you."

She giggled, "I what Chris." She delicately put his now over sensitive cock back where it was and returned to her seat.

"I want to kiss you but I'm driving. And you're a bad girl."

She shrugged, "but you liked it." She heard him laugh and nod his agreement. "You can make it up to me later."

He laughed, "maybe. You might be mad at me later."

"Oh no. Why would I be mad at you?"

He hesitated, "where are we on meeting my family? I mean, I've met yours."

She groaned, "I know. But mine is much smaller than yours. And I've met Carly and her kids. Isn't that enough?"

He laughed, "no. And we can take it slow. You can meet them little by little."

She nodded, "okay. That sounds good."

He smiled, "good. Because you're about to meet my mother."

"What?!" She watched him pull into the community theater parking lot. "Christopher! Your mother is the director, isn't she?"

He shrugged, "maybe."

She groaned, watching him get out of the car to come to her side. He opened the door but she didn't remove her seat belt. "No way! You're such an ass. You can't just spring your mother on me."

He laughed, reaching over her to undo her seat belt. He reached into the pocket of his jeans to pull out a box of mints. He popped one into her mouth with a smirk before planting a quick kiss on her lips. "Let's go Lenny." 

She scoffed as he grabbed her hand, pulling her from his car, "I hate you so much. I take back the blow job. You're never getting one ever again."

He laughed again as he held onto her hand, "no you don't. Stop fussing. She's going to love you."

She groaned, following him inside as he led her to an older blonde woman.

"Mom." He kissed his mother on the cheek before turning back, "meet Lennon."

She smiled, offering her hand as Lisa smiled, "it's nice to meet you Mrs. Evans."

Lisa smiled, "Lennon! It's nice to meet you. And please, call me Lisa."

She looked at Chris, "why does it sound like you've talked about me before."

He shrugged, "I have."

She groaned again, hearing Lisa laugh.

"It's okay dear. Carly tells me you may be interested in the art classes idea?"

She sighed, nodding, "I would. Yeah. I'll be taking the Art teacher position at the high school in the fall. So I'll be around. Chris also suggested guitar for lessons for the kids that are interested."

Lisa smiled, "that's so great. They'll love that." She looked at them both, "why don't you guys come to dinner at my place later."

She groaned again.

Chris laughed, "I promised her she wouldn't be bombarded by everyone at once."

She sighed, "it's fine. Only left with your brother and one more sister, right? I'll be fine." She looked at Chris to see him smiling.


She nodded, "sure." She waited until his mother walked away, being summoned by someone else, before she turned to Chris wrapping her arms around his neck, "just don't leave me to fall alone and I'll follow you anywhere."

He smiled, "always together Lenny. Come on, let's get out of here."

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