Chapter 14

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"Just open it so that we can go, love."

She sighed, gazing at the box that Chris held out in front of her. "Chris, I told you I didn't want anything. I just wanted to spend time with you and our families."

Chris nodded, his expression earnest. "I know, I know. Just open it, please, Lenny."

She rolled her eyes playfully, accepting the box from him. Slowly, she opened it to reveal a simple silver chain with a diamond solitaire pendant. Her eyes widened in surprise. "Chris, this..."

"Liam mentioned that your mom had one just like it that you loved, but it somehow got lost. So I got you a new one."

She nodded, her voice choked with emotion, "Thank you, Chris. It's beautiful."

He smiled warmly, taking the necklace from the box and turning her away from him. Gently, he placed the necklace around her neck, his lips brushing against her neck next to the clasp. "I'm glad you like it."

Turning back to face him, she placed her hands on his thighs and pressed her lips fervently against his. Pulling away slightly, she whispered, "Kiss me."

He chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "I thought I already was."

She smirked and shook her head, leaning back slightly. Raising her finger to her lips, she murmured, "Not here." Letting her hands drop to her thighs, she lifted the bottom of her dress, revealing her black panties, and heard Chris's moan of desire. "I want you to kiss me here."

Chris groaned, his desire evident, but he was also aware of their schedule. "We're going to be late."

She shrugged nonchalantly. "It's my party, Chris. Please, touch me. Kiss me."

His moan betrayed his own longing as he watched her slip off her panties and let them fall to the floor. "Fuck," he muttered, kneeling on the ground in front of her. He eagerly wrapped his arms around her thighs, pulling her to the edge of the couch. Without hesitation, he ran his tongue along her sensitive skin, eventually focusing on her clit, sending waves of pleasure through her body and eliciting passionate moans.

"Chris, oh God!" She couldn't help but express her ecstasy as he expertly manipulated her, driving her to the brink of climax.

His skilled fingers thrust inside her, expertly curling to target her most sensitive spots, and her body responded urgently, shuddering on the edge of release.

"Chris, please!" She couldn't contain her need, her plea echoing through the room.

His lips found hers once more as they tangled in a passionate, desperate kiss. He moaned into her mouth, undoing his jeans quickly. He pulled his cock free, ramming into her hard with one thrust. "My greedy girl."

"Oh god, Chris..." She whimpered, pulling his mouth hard to hers as he continued his movements, hard and quick. 

"You feel so fucking good, Lenny..." He nipped at her neck, feeling her pussy contract around him as she came hard on him, her whimpers desperate and needy in his ear. "Fuck." He buried his face in her neck, grunted as he came right after her, filling her. 

As their breathing gradually slowed, she chuckled softly. "Happy birthday to me."

He laughed breathlessly, still riding the aftershocks of pleasure. "Indeed." He leaned back, adjusting his jeans and shirt. He handed her back her underwear, watching as she quickly put them on. "You're a handful, you know that?"

Grinning, she stood up alongside him. "Oh, I'm well aware. Come on, let's clean up and get going. We have a party to attend."


"Can you take this off, please?"

Chris chuckled, removing the blindfold as they stood in front of both their families at a local bowling alley. "You said family and activity."

She smiled, nodding appreciatively. "Thank you, Chris. It's perfect."

"Happy Birthday, Lennon!"

She smiled as Stella and Bella approached her with hugs, the two girls clearly excited. "Thank you, ladies! I'm so glad you're here. Ready to go bowling?" Both of them nodded enthusiastically before running off to join the other kids. Beth, her close friend, approached her next. "Beth! I had no idea you were coming!"

Beth smiled warmly, hugging her friend. "Well, since you're going to be around permanently soon, I wanted to spend some time with you, your new beau, and his family. Just making sure they're treating you right."

Lennon grinned, feeling a surge of gratitude for her friend's concern. "They are, and I won't be that far away, you know."

Beth nodded in understanding, just as Chris joined them. "I know."

Extending her hand to him, Beth greeted Chris with a friendly smile. "Thank you for having me here, Chris."

He shook her hand, his smile genuine. "We're glad you could make it, Beth."

Then, taking Lennon's hand, he led her away to a separate room equipped with pool tables and dartboards. "You trying to sneak some alone time?"

He smirked playfully, handing her a set of darts. Standing behind her, he playfully nudged her feet apart, his breath brushing against her neck as she shuddered slightly.

She couldn't help but react to his closeness, feeling her breath catch in her throat. "I see what you're up to."

Chris chuckled, his fingers trailing along her thigh. "And what am I up to?"

His touch sent shivers down her spine, and she smirked back at him. "Trying to throw me off my game?"

Stepping away with a chuckle, he stood in front of the dartboard. As he prepared to throw his first dart, she surprised him by smacking his rear, causing him to miss his target.

Turning around with mock disbelief, he arched an eyebrow at her. "Really?"

She laughed mischievously, shrugging playfully. "You tried to distract me."

His eyes twinkled as he approached her, and her fingers curled around the band of his jeans. "So, it's your birthday, and that makes you a brat?"

She giggled, looking up at him. "Exactly." Leaning in, she pressed her lips to his in a quick, sweet kiss, just as they were interrupted by Liam and Scott entering the room.

Liam shook his head in amusement. "Seriously, you two can't keep your hands off each other?"

She chuckled, unperturbed. "Well, Scott, you're clearly the more attractive Evans brother, but you're gay. So, I had to settle for this guy." She playfully gestured to Chris, eliciting laughs from Scott, Liam, and Chris.

"Alright, alright." Liam grinned, clapping his hands together. "Enough of this. Sibling showdown on the pool table?"

She pointed to the pool table, nodding with a grin. "Siblings against siblings, then." They all agreed, and she joined Chris, Liam, and Scott for a friendly game.

As the night progressed, filled with laughter, camaraderie, and friendly competition, they beat Liam and Scott at pool. Later, a birthday cake was presented to her, and the room filled with the sound of her loved ones singing "Happy Birthday." As she blew out the candles, she reflected on the unexpected journey that had led her to this moment—a journey that brought her a new family and a love she could never have anticipated.

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