Chapter 19

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Turning the corner of the grocery store aisle, Lennon nearly collided with another cart. She recognized him instantly, offering a half-smile. "Steve?"

Steve looked down awkwardly before meeting her gaze. "I didn't know you were back in town. How are you, Len?"

She shrugged. "I'm fine. I didn't know you were still around either."

He nodded, a small smile forming as he held up his left hand. "Yeah, married now. Kids too. And you?"

Lennon chuckled, "No marriage or kids yet, but in a serious relationship. I'm teaching art at the high school." She hesitated before adding. "Eric's son, Brad, is actually in my class."

Steve's expression changed, his discomfort showing. "I see. Well... I'm sorry."

Before she could respond, Chris joined them, placing himself between them and extending his hand to Steve. "I'm Chris."

Steve shook his hand, briefly introducing himself. "Steve. I should be on my way. It was nice seeing you again, Lennon."

Once he walked away, Lennon felt Chris's hand on her back. "Who was that?"

Sighing, she hesitated before answering. "Steve. He was in Eric's fraternity. We interacted when I was dragged to their house a few times. We ended up playing games while the others did their thing."

Chris nodded, his curiosity evident. "Was he involved too?"

"No, not him."

Chris shrugged skeptically. "How can you be sure?"

Lennon sighed, her voice carrying conviction. "I have their voices etched in my memory. Steve wasn't one of them. He wouldn't do that."

"Still, he didn't stand up for you when it counted, did he?"

Lennon placed her hand on his chest, feeling the anger radiating from him. "It's not his fault, Chris. Don't direct your anger at him. Steve is a decent guy."

He nodded, visibly trying to calm down. "Okay. Let's head home."


Approaching the bar, Lennon inquired to the woman behind the counter. "I'm here for pick up, under the name Ellis."

The woman smiled in return, offering her a small nod. "Give me five minutes, I'll get it for you."

"Ms. Ellis, care for a drink while you wait?"

Lennon turned to find Eric right in front of her. "I'm fine, thanks. I'm in a relationship. I'd prefer to be left alone, if you don't mind."

He smirked, unfazed. "Come on, Lenny. Why so tense?"

Rolling her eyes, Lennon stepped away from him as he settled onto the barstool beside her. "You know exactly why. And don't call me that. Now, leave me be."

"Wow. Rude."

Taking the bag of food from the bartender, Lennon smiled gratefully. "Thanks." She had just stepped outside when she realized Eric was following her. Sighing, she turned around. "What?"

"You were quite rude back there."

He made a move to grab her hand, but she pulled away. Just then, someone else emerged from the restaurant.

"Haven't you caused her enough trouble, Eric?"

Eric chuckled. "Steve, always the hero."

Steve groaned. "You're drunk. Go back inside."

After a brief exchange, Eric returned to the restaurant, leaving Lennon and Steve alone. Annoyed, she questioned him. "I don't need you defending me. What are you even doing here?"

Steve shrugged. "Having dinner with my family. I saw him approach you and then follow you. I wanted to make sure you were safe."

Lennon shook her head, her frustration apparent. "Where was that concern when I was a teenager, Steve? I thought we were friends!"

He groaned, visibly upset. "We were, Len! We are! I'm sorry. I didn't know what they were doing!"

Tears welled in Steve's eyes as he continued. "It was me. I heard you when I was heading to my room. I got you out of there and took you to the hospital. But I panicked. I was scared they'd think I was involved, so I left you there. I'm so sorry, Len."

He reached out to her, but she pulled away. "You knew who they were and you didn't say anything?"

"I'm sorry. They had everyone else covering for them. If I spoke up, they would have targeted me even worse. I was just a scared kid too, Len. I'm so sorry."

"Worse?" Lennon's voice lowered, breaking slightly. "Fuck you, Steve. I need to get home."

"I'm sorry, Len!"

Ignoring his pleas, Lennon walked away, heading back to her car, her emotions a whirlwind.


The front door slammed shut, and Chris called out, "Lennon? What kept you so long?" Observing her as she walked into the kitchen, he sensed her distress. "Len."

She shook her head, taking off her jacket and shoes, methodically putting them away before returning to the kitchen.

Chris watched her pace, growing concerned. "What happened? You've been crying. Please, Lenny." She remained silent, burying her head into his chest as he enveloped her in his arms, sighing. "Talk to me, Len. Please."

After a few deep breaths, she sat down at the kitchen table, Chris joining her. "I ran into Eric again. And Steve."

Chris groaned, puzzled. "Were they together?"

Lennon shook her head. "No, Steve was having dinner with his family. He saw Eric bothering me and following me out of the restaurant. Steve made Eric go back inside and leave me alone."

Chris sighed, understanding the situation a bit better. "I see. What did Eric say?"

"It wasn't what he said or the fact that he threatened me that upset me. Well, he did make threats, but I'm used to that."

"He threatened you? What exactly did he say, Lennon?"

She waved her hand dismissively, trying to calm his anger. "Just that I'd end up alone eventually. It's fine. I can handle myself. I'm not a kid anymore, Chris."

"I know that. But he shouldn't be threatening you. I..."

"No, listen to me, Chris. That's not why I got upset. I'm not scared of him anymore. If you want me to open up and talk to you, then you need to let me talk!"

Chris nodded, his fingers grazing her cheek as she leaned into his touch. "I'm sorry. So, what did Steve say?" He noticed her nod and take his hand, holding it in her lap.

"Steve was the one who took me to the hospital. He heard what was happening, got me out of there, and brought me to the hospital. But he got scared and just left me there alone. The other guys threatened him if he said anything." Rising to her feet, she resumed pacing. "He knew who it was and didn't say anything. That's why I'm upset. We were friends, and he was more worried about protecting them and himself than me."

Chris sighed, standing up to draw her close to him. "I'm sorry, Lennon."

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