chapter 13

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Chapter thirteen

Malcolm was in his study, rolling the glass of whiskey on his hand while holding an already burnt out cigarette between his fingers, to find the Viscount in this state was something that did not occur a lot, in fact it barely did. But he needed something strong, luckily he found some strong highlander whiskey deposit somewhere.

Stephanie Hastington

She was a masquerading as a lady now? Only god knows where the real Stephanie Hastington was, perhaps abducted and hidden by gamblers and thiefs, the kind of person mabel were likely to be around. What was her plan now? Whisk of some gentleman with wealth and decieve him like she did him? The thought made him livid, throughly mad, his rough fingers thightening on the glass. And the fact that she still could ignit those kind of emotions from him made him even more angrier.

The nerve of the chit to not only haunt him in his dreams but to appear in his life and believe him of a fool? A lovesick boy that he once was? The bitter thoughts made him grit his teeth, he was a day away from confessing his love and make her his wife, his everything.

The soft click of the door made him lazily raise his gaze to find Annabelle in utter shock.

Dark circles rimmed his eyes. Hard, bitter lines were etched on his face. The smell of whiskey rank in the air, as was the acid odor of tobacco. He was smoking heavily and had been for some time, annabelle came to conclusion. Annabelle doubted she had ever seen Malcolm Grey in such condition neither probably anyone on this earth, "I—is something wrong?" Annabelle quesitioned, shocked by his apperance.

"Not at all" Malcolm answered brusquely, "Why do you ask?"

Annabelle watched him in disbelief  as she fought between confronting him in place or give him peace, after all she had once seen the temper of Malcolm and wished it not to repeat, it was not a pleasant sight.

"Sit" drunkenly Malcolm waved a hand toward the leather chair.

She strode towards the window letting fresh air through before she took her seat and gathered her gown, "I did not wish to disturb you at this time, but I had to speak about you about Lady Stephanie"

It was at the tip of his tongue to correct her that the supposed 'lady stephanie' was no other than a cunning little woman who once fooled him, but he held that urge and instead titled his head lazily while spreading his thighs, "What about her?"

Annabelle narrowed her eyes, "Do not think you can fool me like you did to Aldrick, theres this thing you seem to forget when it comes to me, i am aware of anything and anyone. you are aqucanted with her?"

Malcolm scowled at his cousin, she was prying in every aspect of his life know. And one that was not open for discussion, "I am not aqucanted with Lady Stephanie" it was true.. he was aqucanted and knew mabel coster. A deciving witch.

"I beg to differ.. Anyone could tell that either you had seen a dead person came to life or that you were aqucanted with her.. perhaps theres more story than your willing to speak on" She grinned suddenly cheerfully something that irritated him, before he could cut in on whatever her matchmaking plan was on she stood hastily, "Do not mind me.. I shall reside to my bedchamber, but a little advice" she turned and hell the door knob, Malcolm regarded her from his chair, "A woman like her has floats of suitors, if you continue denying your obvious feelings— she might be taken before your eyes" and with that she shut the door.

She might be taken? Well that would another man the fool by discovering her scheme, and certaitnly not him. But he knew his cousin would do anything in her power to play the matchmaker and plot something, and that he couldn't let happen.

  No. Malcolm would reveal her identity, in that way she would be out of his life in a blink of an eye.

But a smirk tugged on his lips thinking what would be the fun in that? When he instead could teach her a lesson she would never forget, and put her behind cells for the rest of her life

After all she was naïve enogh to think he bought her cheap explination of lies and believed her being Lady Stephanie.

He would plot his revenge and just thinking of it made him enthutiasted  for the midnight to turn into morning. Her agreeing to let him accompany her tomorrow, that itself was throwing yourself to the devils lair.

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