chapter 30

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Chapter thirty

Two months later

Mabel, her aunt and her father was decorating the christmas tree that they had fought to get, it was said that the ones who came first would get blessed and a miracle would occur, her aunt who usually watched the marquess with narrowed eyes and saw him as an enemy was now sharing a smile when he strugged to get the star at the top of the three. Her aunt had stoped being afraid and the tension in her had slowly started disappearing, mabel wondered if it had been because of her or the fact that her father was so warm towards her as well.

She had expected the christmas feeling to come over her, but it had not. Even if lights was filled in the street, the household looking like a festival was about to take place. The dull ache she had felt was not filled, and she saw suddenly a small red packet under the three that she hadnt seen before.

"Where had that came from?" she frowned, she had double checked that whatever gift that was send from her fathers relatives who lived in america was placed in time. But she was sure that the red packet had not been in it.

Her father followed her gaze, "Oh, well have to see at dawn wont we?" he wiggled his eyebrows knowing that she was more than curious.

"Auntie, is christmas your favourite time in the year?" she asked watching her aunt who was smiling more than ever today, her once deadpan expression gone, instead her aunt chuckled as she hung the christmas baubles on the tree. Her father was smiling as well with a grin, "How can one not love christmas, I recall year 1788 when you were this small and crawled around the tree trying to open everyones present" her father said causing them all to laugh, for that little moment Mabel felt at ease. That christmas was truly a magical thing that could bring people together, it was love..

Her mind went to the fourtyfifth handwritten letter that she received, since the past two months, exactly after Malcolm left, giving her the space she asked for he did not stop to send letter, he would even send a bouquett with roses, the same ones she had always loved, tulips and liliacs. He remembered.

She would read his letters and started yearning for more, it was utterly absurd. She had asked for space, but she could not stop reading every letter filled with words of love, how his day went and how he missed her. But he was not pushing her to answer, he wasn't even asking for more than that she was healthy and well, Mabels eyes stung and she inhaled a surprise breath when both her aunt and father was watching her with concern.. gosh has she daydreamed again? She completely zoomed out on her present life.

"Forgive me," she mumbled but it was obvious that her father seemed in plague himself, "Are you feeling well?"

"Yes why wouldn't I?,"

He seemed to be hestitating before he finally said, "Don't be so hard on yourself, don't fight evolution. Because trust me my daughter, fate will always win" he said and at the corner of her eye she could see her aunt nodding In agreement, god heavens, was it that obvious that she was feeling so empty inside? But how come? She had her aunt for the first time after six years, celebrating christmas. Her father knew of everything, everything she had kept for herself. Yet.. Yet she couldn't pint point the feeling that was crawling inside of her everyday until it reached its heart.

Her father didn't let her say anything as he and her aunt started watching the snow makes it way to the city.

With a sudden hopefullness and rush of a feeling that made her feel alive than ever she sprung towards her bedchamber, with a stride towards her counterboard she slumped down and grabbed the ink pen and a piece of paper writing down,

To Malcolm Grey

I am writing you this because this two months have showed me what I needed.. To see things clearly, I have gotten things out of my chest, I have learnt to accept mistakes, accept that life is not always fair, while you might think I have stoped thinking about you, considering I asked for space. But I havent.. I have read every single letter you have sent, waited for another. i have realised that what I need is you, life is to short, my life is not fully complete without you. I miss you and love you.

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