chapter 22

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Chapter twenty-two

"My lady," the sudden action of curtains being dragged and the sun gleaming through the windows, right into her closed eyes had her groan with dispear, she stretched in the bed wondering why she felt so out of place, than it hit her--- Malcolm had seen her sleepwalk—he kissed her—no he called her mabel. Acid run through her, she sat up as the maid watched her, "My lady, Lord Grey expects you in his study"

Oh no

Her headached when she recalled the previous

He would tell everybody, now that he knew nothing would stop him. Her father would have a bastard child now, his family would forever be affected.. god no.

"My lady are you alright?-" the maid asked worringly,

It took a lot of effort to hold her composure, "Indeed I am, just prepare my bath and I will meet with the lord"

Thoughts were consuming her mind, all of them going from what she would do and where she would go, he would likely kick her out, but not without everyone knowing what kind of woman she was in his eyes. God, she loved him, but she didn't deserve him. And she had thought of seeing him with another lady, growing old with children and everytime had her chest hurted, it felt like a straight stab. And to be selfish and still want him was something she could not let herself do.

The warm bath was prepared and she quickly striped out of her gown, wondering what was prepared for her today. The god thing in all of this mess was that Lucas sent her a letter that her aunt was getting better and with the help of the doctor Mabel had fixed she was in great care.

She watched the bubbles foam as her mind wandered back to his words, who's Mike? He had acused her of having a lover. If only he knew, dear god if he only knew. She would never tell the source of reason why she could never forget Malcolm, it had not only being the fact that she had lost the love of her life and stranded in london, no it was the baby she carried as well. The one that payed for her sins.

Her eyes stung as she sank more into the bathtub, she would trade for anything.. anything had her life looked different. She would not care if she was poor or wealthy, only with him and their unborn child. What different was she than her mother? She had been consummated out of wedlock, that would result of a bastard child, one that she herself were knowing the tons cutting words and childrens mothers warning them to not play with her. She knew, yet she wanted him to live, she would have had the boy.

With her skin curled from the long time in water she stood up as the maid hurried with fresh undergarments and her gown, without a word she quickly put it on and not bothered to wear her bonnet as she pinned her hair up neatly yet still locks treathning to fall. God she wanted to chop it of again, but it would look utterly reckless as a lady.

She descended the stairs only than realising how early it had been, for heavens sake the birds hadnt even chirped. Her heart was hammering in her chest, the bodice was tight making it even harder for her to breath properly, with a knock she heard a come in.

She wasn't prepared for the sight, Malcolm was sprawled across his chair, the desk hidding a god portion of his body, but still his attire lazily done like he hadnt gotten a goodnight sleep, the smell of alcohol and tobacco was strong in the air, she wondered for how long he had been awake or if he slept at all, he raised his gaze and when her eyes saw his face she doubted he had slept at all.

"Close the door" he told curtly, but instead of listening Mabel wandered to the velvet festonned window and opened it, letting some fresh air into the stale room. She frowned as she saw the cigar burns on the marble lined table, an equistite peace of furniture, now ruined. Had she caused this? Had her words made him do this?, He was watching her narrowingly, his cold eyes daring to rebuke him, "What caused this?" she asked.

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