chapter 19

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Chapter nineteen

The exhaustation of acting like she was alright and not going panicked inside had her going crazy, especially when ladies were very intrested on how she captured the cold viscounts attention, "Pray tell, what is your relationship with the lord?" the sparkling curiousty of perhaps the fifteen person who had asked her the same question, matter of fact she had lost count.

With an awkward chuckle deciding on what a person could answer to that question, we had a tryst and shared the most intense passionate--- yeah that was likely forbidden, before she could say anything a male hovered above them, "Ladies," the playful voice made her look and it was Malcolms cousin, she had gathered that fact because of the similarity between their faces, his eyes seemed like it was winking and always flirtatious, something that could not be seen from the viscount, "May I have the honour to ask you for a dance," he smoothly said watching specificly Lady Stephanie and she could hear the sharp intake of breath by the lady who stood beside her. His eyes twinkled waiting for her to respond, and a lady could never decline a dance offered by a gentleman.

Although this man looked nothing but a gentleman she took his reached out hand, his other clasped behind his back as he took her towards the middle of the ballroom where slow dances took place, one that was meant for couples and lovers, and Mabel was not dumb to know that his cousin had a plan of mind, "I am excellent in not only dancing but saving a lady from uncomfortable situations," his teasing tone and words reminded her of what he meant, he must have heard what the lady asked and for that she was grateful, because one more person asking how she whisked off the viscount was making her insane. She did not whisk him of, Lady Stephanie did. Different beyond. With a grateful smile she answered him, "Indeed you did,"

He was watching over her shoulder and she wanted to see what had made him so amused, "I never do anything for free my lady, this world is all about give and take.." he said in between of twirling her lightly as the music went from slow to normal rhythm, she should have known that he was worse then those gossip hungry ladies. But she would act dumb, "My lord, what can I do" perhaps he wanted some help with a lady he had a fond of, although she doubted that was the case by how smoothly he talked, "Answer a few questions of mine.."

God heavens! Could she ever get a rest?, without waiting for his questions that she already knew she answered, "Your cousin, Lord Grey has been a true gentleman and has escorted me here today, you see I happened to not know when the ball was supposed to begin,"

He blinked and did it again before barking a laugh, "Do you take me blind my lady?, everyone in this world could see that theres more to this, and right now it seems like I wont live a moment longer since your dear lover cant take his eyes of you," she looked back to see Malcolm standing like ready for war, his chest rose and fell like he was trying to contain something.

Dear heavens! He was In love with her.. Stephanie. She felt ill at the notion, he did not remember Mabel, the girl who still lived inside of her, the girl that still was her. It all made sense, on how he wanted to introduce her to his family, how he wanted people to know publicily. He wanted to court her, perhaps even marry her.

Her eyes stung and she refused to cry, because crying was a sign of weakness, something that she learned from young age to never show, "My lady, you seem distressed, have I said someth---" before he could continue she shook her head not being able to listen any longer, "My throat, a refrehsment should help" with that he left her to fetch something to drink, she was standing in the middle of the dance floor, trying to intake deep breaths, but it seemed like the rest came to an end when someone approached her from behind, she knew it was him without even looking back, his presence was that strong on her.

"May I have the pleasure to ask for this last dance," his words made her turn around slowly, he stood way to near for her senses to be in place, she seemed to not be the only one feeling out of place, by the take of his glove covered hands she could still feel the tension in his body, she wondered why. Could it possibly be true that he was jealous? Of men asking for dance, or that he saw his cousin as a threat?. Whatever it was she had to remind herself that every feelings of her was towards Lady Stephanie, she could not dare to cross that line. It felt so much different in his arms than his cousin Aldrick, perhaps because he stood so near with his chest against hers, or because of the way he was looking at her, a new emotion flickered in his eyes that she couldn't read because it was gone the moment she saw it, "Have I mentioned that you look ashtonishingly beautiful?" he murmured and leaned down to whisper in her ear, "It rages me to see you so affocinate with another man," he wasn't lying, oh god he really was not, the relasation made Mabel froze, he has feelings for Stephanie, how stupid could she be to fall in love with him once again? Thinking that they would never cross streets let alone dance together, with a shaky breath she lifted her gaze to meet his smoldering one, "My lord, it was your cousin—" she tried sounding sensible, but it seemed like she hit a button, his eyes now darkened, "Yes my cousin, who never dance with a lady if not having a like for her, stay away from him" he gritted out, for a moment she saw the shock in himself, as if he couldn't believe what he said.

And she herself was just as confused, "My lord I don't quite understand," she trailed off as people started bumping close to them to hear what was being said, yet he didn't lower his voice when he told, "Well let me clarify, I want you to call me by my name first of all, I am not famous on expressing my feelings, perhaps the reason why it hasn't been obvious to you. Words have never been easy for me to say but  I have a liking for you, Stephanie hastington, would you let me court you?"

She watched him, and he watched her, the time was nonexcisting, the once slow dance they had done came to a halt, his gaze was determined waiting for her to answer.. Stephanie Hastington, would you let me court you? Her heart droped to her stomach, her eyes stung and she stiffened.

What has she done, it felt like the past repeating itself, only that she was suitable and wealthy this time. She knew one thing was for certain, if he didn't know her, she might as well vanish rather than face the ugly truth. She would, and it would be soon. But as she watched so much emotions flickering between his eyes, she felt like the worst possible human in the universe, her words were trembling, she wet her lips, "I—I possibly can not, you must be unsure,"

He suddenly took a hold of her gloved fingers when the music stoped, with a light smile that fully didn't reach his eyes he cocked his head, "I have never felt more sure, it is you that I want, Stephanie"

Dammnation what possibly could she answer to that? Her throat worked silently by his intense gaze, the music stoped and so did the people around them. In that moment she knew it was impossible to escape him, as long as she was Stephanie Hastington, "I feel the same"


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