Part Two: One year later

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After he asked me my name, we were accosted by his band mates bringing the party back to the bus. We dressed quickly but not before the singer wolf whistled at us and obviously saw me naked. I quickly and quietly slipped out of the bus during the mayhem, and made my way back to my brother and April.

As I think back on that day, I kick myself for not leaving him my phone number or my address or my social security number. All I left him with were those cotton panties. But who am I kidding? A famous, hot rock guy isn't going to call the random girl he slept with one time during the beginning of his career. I know this, logical me knows this, but the romantic side of me hopes he thinks of me sometimes.

It's been at least a year since the Clash of the Titans tour. I have watched his career blossom and heard they had released a new album. When I heard they were touring, like a crazed groupie, I searched the city dates hoping they would be playing a venue near me.

To my luck, they were not only playing in my town but playing at the venue that the law firm I worked for had as a client. I will admit now that I did scheme a bit to get myself added to the venue's portfolio.

I found myself driving to the venue the day before the sexy guitarist was supposed to play so I could meet with the venue's owner. I did not need to go to the venue but I found an excuse to hand deliver some vendor contracts, and see if I could badger the venue owner into selling me some front row tickets.

Before exiting my Audi, I quickly check my reflection in the rear view mirror and smooth out the wrinkles in my corporate business suit. My hair is twisted up and clipped back and my smart black suit is perfectly tailored. After the asshole cheated on me, I treated myself to a new work wardrobe to feel powerful and confident, when all I really wanted to do was eat ice cream and cry.

But nothing keeps you from gorging on an entire pint of ice cream every day more than the fear that the new suits you spent an entire month's salary on will no longer fit you. It's vain, yes. But it's an investment in my career. I tell myself this frequently while looking at my bank statements.

I exit the Audi and enter the venue. There are boisterous laughs coming from the interior and my heart jumps when I recognize the drummer for the hot guitarist's band. He of course does not recognize me but assesses me upon my entry.

"Are you our new lawyer?" He asks me with a sparkle in his eye. I laugh and reply, "Well, I do love to boss cute boys around." He saucily replies that he loves to be bossed around by women. I smile at him then excuse myself to find the venue owner. Well, really to find the hot guitarist.

Finally, I come across the venue owner hooking up a new keg behind the venue's large bar. "Shouldn't one of your young, poorly paid employees be hauling that around for you?" I tease.

The venue owner is an attractive man in his fifties, and clearly in good enough shape to be lifting beer kegs on his own. But I can't help but tease him. He raises his head and smiles when he sees me. "Ah, my favorite harasser," his joyful tone makes me smile. "What have you got for me? More contracts? More bills?"

"More opportunities, more money..." I reply and grin at him. He smiles and comes around to the other side of the bar to see the documents I have brought. As we are going over the contracts, I finally get up the nerve to ask him if he has any extra tickets for tomorrow evening.

"Tomorrow evening is this dirty rock band." He gestures behind him at Alice in Chains starting their sound check for tomorrow evening. "The tickets are standing room only, so come an hour early and you can stand in the wings. I don't want my lawyer taking a boot to the face when one of these young idiots starts crowd surfing."

I smile at his concern and thank him. We finish our meeting and I slide off the bar stool in search of the restroom.

Once inside the restroom, I splash water on my face and take a deep breath. Suddenly one of the stalls swing open and standing there is the enigmatic singer. He is grinning at my shocked expression and comes to stand next to me at the sink to wash his hands.

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