Part 11: The Connection

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My head is on his shoulder as his words continue to reverberate in my mind: you're always worth it...

I slowly lift my head, balancing my chin on his chest. My eyes adjust to the darkness as I study his face. His eyes are closed and a small smirk is on his lips. I raise my hand toward his mouth to trace the line of his upper lip.

"Tell me when it started," I murmur to him as his dark chest hairs tickle my lips and chin.

His lips twitch into a grin and he begins trailing his fingers along my naked back, up and down my spine.

"You mean my obsession with you?" He whispers in the dark.

"Mmmhmm," I reply as my fingers outline his thick eyebrow.

He's quiet for a moment. He lets out a long exhale and his eyes are still closed when he says, "When I saw you lying naked on that table on the bus."

He turns his head on the pillow to look down at me and when our eyes meet he continues, "I couldn't look away, even though I knew I should."

I rhythmically trace a circle around his nipple and reply, "You're kind of a pervert, Layne."

He chuckles deeply as he says, "Yeah, I am."

He trails his fingers down to my ass and squeezes it.

"Mike saw me watching you and wouldn't let me hear the end of it."

"Watching me?" I say and pinch the nipple I have been drawing circles around. 

"Ouch!" He says with a chuckle. He gives me a mischievous grin and then brushes back a piece of my hair that has fallen across my cheek.

"I don't know what it is about you. But this entire time I have done things I know I shouldn't. I shouldn't have watched you with him. I shouldn't have touched you or kissed you or pulled you onto my lap to feel you on top of me."

He pauses and begins twirling my hair through his long, nimble fingers. He then quietly adds, "And I really shouldn't be here now."

We are silent again. The weight of his words baring down on me--not sure of his meaning or intentions.

I lean my body closer to him and press my lips to his. He runs his hand up my back to rest it on the nape of my neck. His long fingers curl around my neck as his tongue breaches my lips. His other hand begins to squeeze and knead my ass. The passion and obsession we have for each other begin to fog my mind as the kiss deepens, and the lust heightens again.

I break from his lips breathless and utterly affected by him. I press my forehead to his and close my eyes to steady myself before I admit my vulnerabilities to him. "I want you here," I say. 

I open my eyes to watch his expression. The corners of his lips rise at my words and he begins to pull me back down to his lips. 

He pulls me back down to him and his fervor is mind-blowing. He seems to have been waiting to hear this from me. As much as I have wanted to hear him say that he wanted me and that he will stay; he has been waiting to hear me say that I choose him.

He flips me onto my back and places hot kisses along my neck. I roll my head back, exposing more of my neck for his greedy taking.

"I love the taste of your skin," He murmurs as his tongue flicks into the hollow at the base of my neck.

He kisses my collar bone then slowly drags his tongue across it.

"Do you remember that night he played with you in front of me on the bus?" His voice is thick and hoarse.

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