Part 9: The Slow Burn

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It's 3am and I can't sleep. I'm restless thinking about the way Layne's eyes studied my mouth as he applied the lipstick to my lips, how his warm breath caressed my neck as he helped me into my coat, and the way his hands slowly massaged my legs on the couch.

My room is chilly from the foggy autumn weather but my body is hot, and uncomfortable from the lustful thoughts. I kick off my blankets and lie on my bed just in the silk camisole and panties. Praying for the chilly air to cool my hot skin.

I want to crawl into bed with him, feel his hands on me, and watch as his eyes dilate with passion. But I shouldn't. I have been with his best friend and I don't want to complicate an already complicated situation. I need to respect this and keep a distance between us. It's a boundary he has kept between us, even though sometimes we have both stepped over it briefly.

I swing my legs over the side of my bed and stand on the cold wood flooring. I figure I might as well get a glass of water and take a sleeping pill if my night is going to be this fitful. As I leave my room, the soft glow of Layne's bedside lamp is illuminating the hall between our bedrooms. I walk across the hall, and into the guest room. He is sitting up in the bed but his eyes are closed. He has fallen asleep while reading and the book is lying open on his bare chest. His hands are  at his sides and his head is slightly turned away from the lamp's light.

I quietly step towards him to take the book off his chest. He stirs slightly but doesn't wake. I lift the book from his chest and turn to place it on the bedside table. As I reach to turn off the lamp, he runs the back of his hand down my arm.

"Hey, darlin'," his voice is husky and thick with sleep. I straighten from my bent position and look down at his handsome face. His heavy lidded gaze is slowly taking in my breasts under the silk camisole then his eyes drop down to my panties. He reaches for me and his long, warm fingers slowly encircle my wrist while his eyes lazily take in my hardening nipples. His lips slowly contort into a soft smile as his eyes rise to meet mine.

"Am I dreaming?" He asks, his voice low. I shake my head no and he smiles slowly back at me. He lifts the bed covers for me to join him. He is wearing a pair of white, cotton boxers under the sheets and I smile softly to myself. I crawl in next to him and place my head on his chest. I wrap my arm around him and tuck my leg between his. He kisses the top of my head and he softly trails his fingers up and down my back.

"Was my light bothering you?" He asks. I shake my head no again and lift my face to look up into his eyes. He trails a finger down my face then he bends his head closer to kiss me. His lips press to mine softly then he kisses the side of my mouth. He leans his head back against the bed frame and looks down at me. He smiles at me softly and closes his eyes. I place my head back down on his chest and he wraps both his arms around me and squeezes me slightly against him.

He reaches for the lamp and pulls the string to kill the light. We are silent in the darkness. I begin to lightly circle his chest with my finger tips, then trace his collar bone over to his shoulder.

He lets out a thick hum against my hair and I continue to lightly draw circles and spirals down his arm with the soft pads of my finger tips. After a moment, the room's silent darkness is filled with his deep breaths and I know he has drifted back to sleep.


I awake before the sun rises, and the room is dark and chilly. Layne still has his arms wrapped around me and my head is under his chin. I slowly peel myself from him and carefully lean out of the bed, trying desperately not to wake him. His breath steadies as I leave his side but he continues to sleep deeply.

As I tiptoe back to my bedroom, I'm careful to step over the old wood slats that I know will let out a loud creak if disturbed. The clock reads 5:45am. Today is Thursday and I need to finish that contract I put off to leave early with Layne.

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