Part 7: San Francisco

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Another year has passed.

After Jerry dropped me off at the airport, I realized during the long flight that our relationship was purely based on sex. We had a strong chemical connection that manifested itself into the physical but not much more. Jerry never opened up to me, never asked me about myself. But he gave me an incredible gift during our short time together: he taught me how to be free. He helped me heal from the betrayal of my ex and our relationship made me feel sexy, and confident. Two feelings I have never truly experienced before. Fuck, after being with Jerry, I felt like I was finally a woman.

I haven't seen him since that week we spent together during his tour. He called me a couple of times and left me voice messages on my machine telling me that he was going to be in town. But I never returned his calls. It was time for me to start dating and to find a man who was "right for me" as Jerry would say.

I have been on so many dates this year. And as soon as one of my clients hears that I am single, they immediately have a friend whose son is single. I try to stay away from these because it feels like a conflict of interest but sometimes it is just easier to say yes.

And that is what is happening right now.

I am sitting in my office listening to Mrs. Clovis tell me about all the amazing attributes her son possesses. I push my large framed glasses up my nose and smooth the soft fabric of my dark, tailored trousers. My feet ache from my fashionable high heels and I am yearning to kick them off under my desk as soon as Mrs. Clovis leaves my office. I grow anxious from the heels pinching my toes and this uncomfortable situation and I am about to cut her off when my paralegal, Amy, knocks on the glass door to my office.

"I apologize for interrupting, but I believe your next client is here." Amy says and her voice sounds nervous. I raise a quizzical brow up at her and notice that her face is flushed.

"Mrs. Clovis, I apologize for having to cut this conversation short but I do have another client waiting." I say to her.

"Of course, dear, I understand. Let me just give you Alan's phone number and I'll have him give you a call." She says and scribbles Alan's phone number across one of my own business cards and hands it back to me.

I hesitantly take my business card with Alan's phone number on it from her.

"Thank you, Mrs. Clovis but I am not really dating at the moment." I reply.

She pats my arm and says, "that's when you meet the right one dear, when you least expect it." She smiles at me and Amy shows her the way to the elevators.

I sit back in my chair, grab my day planner, and swivel around to look out the large windows that frame the city and bay below me. I look down at my planner and don't see any more client meetings for the rest of the day but I do have a date this evening with a dentist named Alex.

"That'll be interesting," I say aloud to myself. After a moment, Amy reenters my office.

"Do you want me to bring him back or do you want to meet him out front? He said he knows you but wouldn't give me his name." Amy says while looking at her note book to hide her blush.

Amy is in her late thirties, has a couple of children, and is the best paralegal I have ever had. I hope she never leaves me and I am worried that something has happened with this man.

"Is everything okay, Amy? Did he do something to you?" I ask and rise from my desk to close the door in case she needs to tell me something.

She laughs as I stand up and shakes her head no.

"Oh no, I'm sorry. He just, well, shit, he is just really charming and handsome and I am a mom and I haven't had a man flirt with me like that in a really long time." She admits and chuckles.

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