Part 6: The Departure

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The next morning I awake to the feeling of Jerry's weight leaving the bed. I roll over to his side of the bed to soak in the warmth he left. I watch him as he dresses. His face is quiet and his eyes are a million miles away. He doesn't know that I am watching him, he thinks I am still sleeping. I wonder what he is thinking as his brows knit together and the worry line deepens.

He slept naked and the warm morning light makes his tanned skin glow. His hair is messy and tangled around his shoulder and his thick, dark facial hair is the longest I have ever seen it. He looks rugged and wild. He bends down to pick up a pair of worn jean shorts next to the bed and as he rises he makes eye contact with me. He steps into them and buttons the fly all while holding our eye contact. He bends over the mattress and kisses me softly. He smells like the fire he built last night and heady smell of pine. His deeply male scent warms me to my core and makes my toes curl.

I sigh into his kiss and slip my tongue into his mouth. I reach my hand up to his shoulder and pull him down closer to me. He chuckles and lies down on top of me over the blankets. He deepens the kiss further and pulls the blankets down to expose my breasts. The cold air stings my warm skin and sends chills down my spine, but my nipples were already hard from his touch.

His rough facial hair brushes along the soft sensitive skin as he kisses my breasts. He throws the rest of the blankets off of me and I shiver from the cold. He sits back and looks down at my naked body. The heat in his eyes warms me and I reach up for him. He lies back down on top of me and kisses me passionately. He trails kisses down my neck, over my breasts, and across my stomach. He reaches my hot center, spreads me and continues to pleasure me as I groan and open my legs wider for him. He brings me to my peak as I call out his name. He smiles down at me, unbuttons his jeans, and pulls out his long, hard erection. He continues to make eye contact with me as he strokes himself, then his eyes feast over my nude body as he continues to pleasure himself.

I rise up to my knees to face him. I take his face in my hands and kiss him deeply before reaching down for him. I take his warm, hard dick in my hands and continue the movements he was making before. I swallow his groan of pleasure and lean back onto the bed as his body follows mine.

He is still in my hands and I guide him inside me. I will never forget the feeling of him, I think to myself as his large erection stretches me to fit him. He places his forehead to mine when he is deeply inside me and looks down into my eyes. We both know that this is going to be one of our last times together, if not the last. He knows that it is time for me to go home and the end of our affair is here.

He begins moving inside me slowly, patiently, and lovingly. I know he will never be able to tell me that he loves me but I can feel the weight of his heart this morning. And I know that if we had met at a different time, this man would have been mine.

I wrap my arms around his neck, and kiss him as he leans on his elbows not to crush me. His long, languid thrusts and the feel of him against my clit makes me want to come again but I hold back, not wanting the intimacy of this moment to end.

He kisses me softly and I watch as once again, those blue eyes darken with passion. He begins thrusting harder into me and I know the intimate moment has turned into a hot, feral need.

I chuckle slightly, knowing that he is ready to get rough. He flips me over onto my hands and knees and runs his hand down my back. He bites my ass, and I feel his hot, callused fingers between my legs, spreading my folds.

He slides into me from behind and fucks me hard. I feel his body convulse and he leans over me to kiss my back once he finishes. He pulls out of me and I collapse onto the bed. He laughs at my dramatic movement and slaps my ass.

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