Part 31 - Sugar Taste

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"I wanna show you something," He says as he helps me into my coat.

I turn to face him as I adjust my hair and his eyes are warm as he looks down at me.

"What is it?" I ask as he excitedly takes my hand and drags me out of the front door. His black SUV is parked in his driveway and a layer of frost covers the windows.

"Fuck, I need the ice scraper," he mumbles and drops my hand to fish it out of his back seat.

"You need to lock your front door too," I remind him when he begins to scrape the ice off.

"Ah fuck," He mumbles and jogs back up the front steps to lock his front door.

I pick up the ice scraper he left on the ground and begin to scrape his driver side window.

"I'll do that, get in the car where it's warm," He says as he takes it out of my hand.

"I can help," I say and he chuckles.

"I know but get in the car, I don't want you to freeze." He grins at me, his dark sunglasses obscuring the smile as it reaches his eyes.

I slide into the passenger seat and he has the heater blasting. After he finishes scraping the ice off my passenger window he opens the driver side door.

"Do you need a pair of gloves?" He asks as he sticks his head in the car.

"Jer, just get in the fucking car," I laugh.

"Okay, I just don't want you to be cold," he murmurs as he buckles his seat belt.

I take his hand in mine. It's pink from the bitter wind and damp from the ice removal. He watches as I kiss his palm then warm his hand between mine. I slowly breathe warm air onto his fingers and his thumb slowly draws across my bottom lip.

He leans across the center divider and his hand reaches behind my neck, drawing me closer until his lips find mine.

The kiss is warm and soft, no tongue, no force. His cold hand resting at the nape of my neck. All those years ago I never would have expected such an intimate moment with him in his car outside his home. I never would have expected a relationship with him.

I hear myself sigh into his kiss. His hand at my neck tightens and he leans into me more, parting my lips with his tongue to taste me. I feel him smile against my lips when his tongue touches mine.

"What?" I ask when he chuckles slightly.

"You taste like mint," He kisses the corner of my mouth.

"I used your toothbrush," I murmur.

"I figured," he chuckles and leans back in his seat to put the car in gear.

"Does that bother you?" I ask.

He smiles and shakes his head.

"You have had a lot of me in your mouth, how is my tooth brush any different?" He winks at me and my stomach drops. I feel the blood drain from my face as the memory of Layne in my bathroom with my toothbrush in his mouth floods my mind. The same conversation. The same joke.

Jerry notices the change.

He reaches for my hand and says, "sorry, did that gross you out? I'll get you a toothbrush while we are out."

I shake my head, "no, it didn't gross me out, sorry. I just, uh, I think I just need some air." I feel like I'm choking. I roll his window down and the harsh north wind whips into the car.

"I need to feed you," Jerry mumbles to himself as he cracks his driver side window to ease the sound of the buffering.

I get a hold of myself and run my hand down his thigh. Trying to bring myself back to the moment. "You do need to feed me," I reply and he smiles back at me, his dark sunglasses mirroring my reflection.

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