Part 17: The Contemplation

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The next morning my alarm goes off and Layne once again groans in response to the sound.

"I am going to throw that fucking thing away," he grumbles into the pillow as I reach to silence the screeching buzzer. I nestle back in bed and a heavy arm pulls me up against a warm chest. He sighs against my hair as his hand cups my naked breast.

"I don't have to go into the office today," I say as I face away from him then his hand squeezes my breast in reply.

His hand trails down my stomach and finds the top band of my panties. He hooks his finger into the elastic and drags the cotton material down my thighs. His fingers slip between my folds and he whispers in my ear, "Good, I finally get to introduce you to my morning wood."

I giggle and reply, "Oh, we've met."

He pulls me on top of him so I'm straddling his waist and says, "Your first meeting didn't go well, you were rude and ignored it. Said some bullshit about having to go to work."

I lean down to kiss him then whisper against his lips, "You're right, where are my manners?"

He makes a "tsk tsk" sound with his tongue and says, "make it up to me."

His tongue teases and caresses mine while his hand finds its way into my hair at the nape of my neck. I reach between us and grasp him, encircling my fingers around him tightly. I swallow his moans and bite his bottom lip as I take him deep inside me. I lean back, feeling myself clench around him. I suck the air through my teeth and moan, "fuck, you are so hard."

He chuckles and says, "I think you are making me a morning person."

After we finish he takes a shower and I make us a pot of coffee. I hear the shower water turn off and I open the bathroom door. He is standing on my bath mat naked while drying his hair with one of my fluffy, light pink towels.

"What would it take to get you to stay?" I ask him.

He grins at me, his hair is standing on end from the rough assault he inflicted on it. He wraps the towel around his waist and replies, "Are you negotiating with me?" He opens my bathroom cabinet's top drawer and then pulls out my toothbrush. He cocks an eyebrow up at me waiting for my reply as he squeezes a line of toothpaste on its bristles. Assuming he was preparing the toothbrush for me, I'm shocked when he sticks it in his mouth and begins to brush his teeth.

I gasp and say, "Have you been using my toothbrush this whole time? I have extras!" And begin rifling through my drawers to find the package of new toothbrushes. I open one of the toothbrush packages and add the new toothbrush to the top drawer.

He shrugs then says with his mouth full of toothpaste, "I have had all of you in my mouth, why not your toothbrush too?" He winks at me and then spits in my sink.

I shake my head at him and laugh slightly. "But yes, I am negotiating with you," I add and sit on the bathroom counter to face him. He stands between my legs and begins to comb his hair back.

"You would have to promise that we'd have sex every day," He says with a mischievous grin.

"Done," I reply quickly and encircle his towel-wrapped waist with my legs. "What else?" I ask and giggle as he dramatically mimes combing the hairs on his chin.

"I'd need a blow job every night when you come home from work," He adds then leans down to place a loud smacking kiss on my lips.

I laugh and say, "Okay, okay, what would it take besides giving you lots of sex all the time?"

He smiles down at me and shrugs. "Darlin', I am only doing this because I feel obligated to and that's all. A lot of people's jobs depend on me going out on this tour, and there's a lot of money that would be lost if I was a selfish dick and didn't do it. I can't live with that guilt."

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