Part 22: Lustful Thoughts

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I wipe my sweaty palms down my pants then raise the wine glass to my lips as I swivel in the leather stool to face the hotel's entrance. The hotel is one of the nicest in the city, the cab driver told me this when I gave him the address. I had spoken with Layne's manager earlier this week and she recommended meeting up with Layne in London. She said that the guys had a photo shoot earlier that day and interviews, then would be checking into this hotel for the night before playing a show the next evening.

I told her not to tell Layne that I am coming. And as I sit here waiting for them to arrive, I begin to fear that maybe I should have warned him. Maybe not letting him know will be more hurtful to me--I may see something I don't want to see. 

As I'm waiting at the bar, Layne and the cute drummer push through the hotel's ornate glass revolving doors. Layne doesn't notice me sitting at the bar and I take the opportunity to watch him as he crosses the hotel lobby toward the concierge's desk.  Layne seems to have cut his hair and dyed it blue. They are followed by a couple of men who are part of their road management and who seem to be in a deep conversation with Jerry as he pushes through the glass doors next.

He is in the middle of responding to them when his eyes immediately meet mine from across the room. He stops in his tracks and the men follow his eye line to me at the bar.

I can feel my palms begin to sweat and my heart is in my throat. Trying to stay calm, I drop my eyes from his and set my glass on the bar.

As I lift my gaze back to him, he is crossing the lobby toward me. The men shrug and continue to chat as they make their way up to the hotel check-in desk.

"Wren?" He says as he nears me. His eyes are dark as they take in my form on the leather bar stool. I try not to squirm under his gaze but I feel like he is slowly undressing me.

He reaches me and leans against the bar. He is wearing a black jacket and his hair is tied back at the nape of his neck. His body position blocks me from being able to see Layne at the front desk.

His eyes rest on my short hair and he grins slowly at me. My mouth feels dry and I want to reach out and touch him. He seems to feel the same because he lifts his hand and touches the ends of my short hair. His fingers brush my neck and I inadvertently close my eyes.

I hear him chuckle then he says, "So I guess you are coming along again, huh?"

I open my eyes and they meet his serious blue gaze. I nod and he smiles slowly at me.

"This is gonna be weird, Wren," He says and his eyes are still steady on mine.

I nod again.

He shakes his head and looks down at the bar then lets out a sigh. He turns away from me to face the front desk and lets out a whistle to get Layne's and Sean's attention. I giggle and slap him on the shoulder, "Jer, you can't whistle at people in places like this!"

He faces me and gives me a knee-weakening grin then says, "Babe, I do whatever the fuck I want."

"I don't want to drink this fancy shit, let's go get a couple of cases of beer," Sean says as he nears us. But Jerry's body is still blocking me from Layne's and Sean's view.

"Looks like Jerry has already picked up a girl so I guess it's just us tonight," Layne says with a laugh.

My stomach flips when Layne says this and I feel my face go red. Jerry looks over at me and winks.

Jerry leans off the bar so Layne and Sean's view of me is no longer obscured and says, "Nope, I think it's you and me tonight Sean."

Layne's eyes widen when he sees me and a sexy grin lights up his face. He closes the distance between us immediately and pulls me off the stool. He takes my face in his hands and crushes his mouth down onto mine.

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