Part 20: The Gala

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(Author's Note: This is a very long chapter. I am so sorry!) 

"So tell me what to expect at this shindig," Layne says as he is tucking a crisp white shirt into a pair of black suit pants.

We are in my little bathroom and I am leaning over the counter with my face inches from the mirror as I draw a thick black line across my eyelid. I extend the flick past my lid then dip the brush back into the black paste to repeat across the other eye.

He stands behind me and begins to run his hands up and down the sides of my thighs and over my ass.

"Hey, stop that," I say with a laugh and swat at him, "My eyeliner is going to look ridiculous if you keep that up. "

"If I ever ignore your ass when you are only wearing a thong, you need to shoot me. Something will be seriously wrong," He says and presses himself against me.

He cups my breasts and I accidentally flick the liner too far across my eye.

"Fuck," I mutter under my breath and push him away.

"Here, I'll do it," he says with a grin. He puts his hands around my waist and lifts me onto the counter. His white shirt is unbuttoned to his navel and the black pants fit snugly against his slim hips. I wrap my legs around his waist and run my hands up his chest under his shirt.

He takes a piece of a cotton ball and wipes the liner off the side of my eye then dips the brush in the little black pot.

He takes my chin in his hand and tips it up into the light. I close my eyes in anticipation and feel his warm breath stir the hair on my forehead as he leans his face closer to mine. The eyeliner is cold against my lid as he slowly draws a line across my eye and then extends it at the corner to match the other side. I hear him place the brush on the counter and feel his warm lips softly touch mine.

I reach my hands back up into his shirt and thread my fingers through his chest hair. He chuckles and deepens the kiss.

"We don't have time for this," I moan against his lips.

"I can be fast," He replies as he reaches behind me and unhooks my bra. He bends his head to take my nipple in his mouth and I run my fingers through his hair as I arch my back.

"You're never fast and we are already late," I reply and he groans as I run my hand down his hardness growing against the soft material of his pants.

"Fine," he groans.

He runs his hand over his hair in frustration and looks down at me. His eyes are dark and his hands reach for me again. He groans as I jump off the counter and leave him in the bathroom.

He finds me in the bedroom and leans against the door jam to watch me dress. His shirt is still open and his feet are bare on the hardwood floor. His tan skin and dark chest hair are emphasized by the crisp, white shirt, and the expensive suit is an almost disarming contrast to his earrings and long hair.

He smiles at me as I blatantly ogle him. I tear my eyes from him and begin digging through my drawers for my pantyhose and garter belt.

"Okay, I need a distraction to keep me from fucking you. Tell me about this thing we are going to tonight," His voice is thick and low.

I hook the garter belt around my waist and I hear him groan.

"Really?" he says, his voice strained. "Are you trying to kill me?"

I look over my shoulder and he is rubbing his face with his hand and I can see his erection through his pants. I giggle and say, "You're fine." He scoffs at this and I answer his question from earlier, "Well, the law firm puts it on every year to benefit a different charity," I reply.

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