Part 19: A Family Tradition

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"I am," I reply to Charles and look down at my hands clasped in front of me.

Charles touches my arm and says "I talked to Steve earlier and he said that the shareholder meeting is next week."

I nod.

"Do you have enough money to make the buy in?" He asks.

I nod.

He smiles at me proudly and says, "Let me know if you need anything."

I nod again.

"Is this a promotion?" Layne asks.

I realize that I have forgotten to introduce Charles and Layne. Charles looks over at him and his brows draw together.

"Yeah, it's a promotion alright," He says in a patronizing tone to Layne.

"Layne, this is my Godfather, Charles," I say then as they are shaking hands I explain to Layne, "Making partner is a promotion in a law firm. I have to pay to be part of it and I get equity in the firm."

Layne nods and smiles at me, "Congratulations, you've worked hard for that." He places his hand on the small of my back.

Charles scoffs slightly and says, "damn right she has, and she will be the first female partner at that firm."

I nod.

"What do you do, son?" Charles asks and raises his eyebrows at Layne, already expecting to be unimpressed.

"Charles," I sigh in response to his tone. "You don't have to be discourteous."

"I am not being discourteous, I am just asking the young man what he does for a living," Charles says and pointedly waits for Layne to respond.

I sigh and answer, "Layne is a musician, Charles."

"Hmm," Charles murmurs disapprovingly and takes a sip from his champagne flute.

"What?" I say and put my hands on my hips. "You disapprove of me dating a musician, Charles?"

"Yes," Charles says flatly. His eyes are stern when meeting mine. "You have gone to great schools, you are up for partner at one of the most respected firms in the city, and now I hear that you are going to throw all of that away because you have met..." Charles looks over at Layne and shakes his head disapprovingly.

"Hey, don't talk to her like that. She makes her own decisions," Layne says.

"She may be making her own decisions but she clearly isn't thinking them through," Charles replies dismissively. "The smart girl I know wouldn't bat an eye at someone like you. Did you even finish high school? She is on a different level than you, son. Simple as that."

"Charles, please stop," I beg. My stomach is turning and I feel nauseated. I am pissed at him for saying this to Layne but I am even more worried about whether Layne is internalizing his inaccurate words.

My worries are soothed momentarily when I hear Layne chuckle. I look over at him and he shakes his head in bewilderment, "Wow, I have had a lot of shit thrown at me but this is definitely a first." He wraps his arm around my waist and kisses me on the forehead before turning back to Charles and saying, "If you weren't her family, I'd tell you to go fuck yourself."

Charles nods and I can tell that he is slightly impressed that Layne stood up to him. He looks at me, his eyes almost pleading, "Just remember how hard you have worked for this... promise me that at least," Charles adds before turning away from Layne and me.

I look over at Layne and his eyes are downcast. He looks green.

"Hey," I say and reach my hand to his face and his gaze finally meets mine. That darkness and pain is back in his eyes and my stomach wretches at the sight of it. "I'm so sorry," I mumble desperately to him. "Please, don't believe anything he says," I plead.

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