Part 25: The Fantasy

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I'm lying in the bunk with my knees drawn up to my chest in the fetal position trying to think of anything other than the growing pressure on my bladder. I can't find my clothes and I don't want anyone to see me walk to the bathroom in just my panties. But the pain and pressure is becoming unbearable.

I slowly open the privacy curtain and look out into the darkness. I wait for my eyes to adjust and listen to see if anyone is awake. The bus is silent. I think I am safe to exit the bunk and make my way to the bathroom without anyone seeing me. I dangle my legs over the side of the bunk and slowly lower myself to the ground. My feet touch the floor with a thud. My heart beats faster and I wait to hear if my movements have disturbed anyone. No one says anything. The only sounds are road noise as the bus continues its trek.

I tiptoe down to the bathroom and slowly close the door behind me. I quickly relieve myself, flush the toilet, then wash my hands. I quietly open the door and peer out to see if anyone is up. The bus is still silent. I close the door behind me and quietly walk down the aisle back to our bunk, covering my breasts with my arm. I begin to climb the step up to the top bunk when a hand slowly runs up my inner thigh. I look down and Jerry has opened his privacy curtain and is watching me as I climb up the step. His hand closes tightly around my thigh as he swings his legs over the side of the bottom bunk below me.

His face is level with my panties and I can feel his warm breath through the thin cotton material. He kisses me over the fabric and I am frozen from his touch. He looks up at me, his blue eyes darkened by the low light. He hooks his fingers into the band at my waist and slowly drags the material down my legs. He caresses the outside of my leg with his warm hand then takes my calf and places it over his shoulder. He is sitting on the bottom bunk between my legs looking at me like I am everything he has ever wanted. He slowly draws his finger down between my outer lips.

His finger is replaced by his tongue and I grip the side of the bunk to hold myself upright. His tongue slowly encircles me, then dips lower to taste the wetness building from his touch. His hands continue to knead and caress my ass while he explores and tastes me.

My moans awaken Layne and he turns his head on the pillow to face me. Our eyes are level and he grins at me slowly. He swings his long legs over the side then hops down from the bunk to stand behind me. He begins to kiss my neck and knead my breasts as Jerry's tongue continues to poke and pry until I'm overcome by the pleasure.

Jerry kisses my inner thigh then across my stomach as my body shakes from the orgasm. He rises from the bunk and Layne says in my ear, "Go to the couch." I follow Jerry mindlessly to the couch in the front of the bus. He lays down and his erection is prominent. I look back at Layne and he nods. I straddle Jerry, and his hands find my breasts. I take him inside me and groan as he enters me.

Layne kneels behind me and I feel his tongue glide down between my ass cheeks while Jerry rolls my nipples between his fingers. The pleasure and sensations are almost too much to handle.

"She's ready," Layne murmurs, and I feel him press into me from behind.

A loud ominous hiss echoing from the outside world tears me from my dream. The noise persists, growing in intensity. I am disoriented, still between the dream world and reality. Finally, I recognize the shrill whoosh. It's the bus's air break.

"Did the bus stop moving?" I ask Layne quietly.

"Hmm?" He murmurs sleepily in my hair.

His arms are wrapped around my waist and his face is buried in my hair. His leg is between mine and his chest is against my back. Our privacy curtain is drawn tightly shut but the light from the late morning sun is shining through.

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