Part 5: The Cabin

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Jerry and I exit the bus and one of the band's tour managers hands him a set of keys to a black Ford Explorer and tells us that the SUV is stocked with food, supplies, and gear for the cabin.

I'm nervous. The only clothes I have are cut off shorts and short dresses. I had packed to look slutty, not outdoorsy. I look down at my dirty converses and hope that the cabin does not require us to hike through the mud to reach it.

Jerry opens the back of the SUV and tosses both our bags in the back. He walks over to the side of the bus and opens the bottom storage door. He reaches inside and takes out two fishing poles, a tackle box, and an ice chest.

"You travel with your fishing gear?" I ask surprised.

"Yeah, I like to try to get away now and again, and spend some time in nature." He replies.

"Ah, a country boy at heart." I say with a grin.

He smiles at me and says, "You bet, babe."

As Jerry is packing the SUV, Layne emerges from the bus. He saunters over to us and leans up against the car watching Jerry rearrange the supplies so his fishing poles will fit.

"Are you taking her to Big Branch?" Layne asks.

Jerry nods.

"Did you tell her what that cabin is like?" Layne asks and looks over at me.

Jerry shakes his head no and smiles slightly to himself. Layne nods. He turns away from us and climbs the steps back up into the bus.

A few minutes later Layne returns carrying a backpack. My heart leaps thinking he is going to come with us. But instead, he tosses the backpack into the back of the SUV then says to me, "that's for you." He smiles at me kindly then turns back for the bus.

I hear Jerry let out an audible sigh then he says, "let's hit the road."


The dirt road to the cabin is covered in pot holes and has been washed out by the rising waterways surrounding it. The SUV jerks and dives as Jerry maneuvers the road and by the time we finally reach the small wood cabin, my body is aching. All I want is a hot bath and a soft bed. But Layne's cryptic questions before we left made me realize that this cabin is not going to have a claw foot tub and plush mattress.

The cabin is old with a small porch wrapping around it. It is positioned close to a dock at the lake and is surrounded by thick brush, and tall grass. I exit the SUV and the fresh smell of the woods fills my lungs. I sigh and take a deep breath and close my eyes. It smells so much better than the bus.

"Alright, I'll show you around then I'll take you down to my fishing hole." Jerry says as he exits the car and begins unloading the supplies.

I reach for my backpack and the one Layne gave me. I want to open it now and see what's inside but Jerry is watching me intently. I know, that he knows, that I have a thing for Layne but we are pretending like it isn't true.

I walk up the old wood steps to the covered porch carrying the backpacks and some supplies. The porch faces the lake and two wood rocking chairs are spaced invitingly next to the front door.  Hanging over the front door is a sign with "Welcome" carved deeply into the wood.

Jerry comes up behind me balancing the gear and other supplies. He sets them down next to the front door and pulls out a key.

"Have you stayed here before? I ask him.

"Yeah, a couple of times. I have family in this area."

"Is this your cabin, Jerry?" I ask surprised.

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