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April 6, 2002; Seattle, Washington

I close my eyes and raise my face to the warm sun. Seattle is covered in cherry blossoms and the sweet smell of Spring fills the air.

"Who the fuck gets married in April?" Jen mumbles.

"People who don't have allergies," I reply and hand her a tissue from my small hand bag.

She blows her red, cracked nose then stuffs the tissue into her purse.

"Just look at them over there," She chuckles, "Sean is hating every minute of this."

I look over to where she is gesturing and my eyes fall on my husband. His long hair is combed back and tied at his neck and dark sunglasses shade his eyes. He is grinning at me from across the park where he is standing in line with the other groomsman.

"They may hate this, but they look handsome in those dark grey suits," I reply and smile back at him.

Jerry waves at me flirtatiously and Jen chuckles, "No wonder you are always pregnant, he can't keep his eyes off you. I am going to tell him he needs to keep his hands to himself for a while."

"Stop it, you're making me blush," I reply. "But it's mutual, I think he just keeps getting hotter."

She laughs and sits back in the uncomfortable white, folding chairs that have been lined up for guests.

Our younger son, tired of sitting, makes a break for it when he sees his dad waiving at me. He takes off running down the aisle in the direction of the groomsmen. Jerry, with a big grin, swings him up into the air then onto his hip. Sean leans over and begins making faces at the little boy, sending him into fits of giggles.

Our eldest son slides into the chair next to me that his younger brother was previously sitting in. Our eldest is calm and thoughtful but with a mischievous spirit. He looks just like his dad. I reach my arm over his shoulders and he leans his head against me. He places his little hand on my heavily pregnant belly and says, "you feeling okay, mama?"

I nod and brush his straight blonde hair off his forehead, his dad's clear blue eyes look up at me with concern. "I'm fine baby, thank you," I reply and kiss his warm, little cheek.

Layne steps out to join the group, his hair is short and curling at his ears and at his neck. I haven't seen him since that morning on Claire's porch. He looks handsome and healthy. He is in a matching grey suit and looks nervous, but excited. All the men clap him on the back in congratulations. He tickles the little boy as he passes Jerry. Jerry places the little boy on the ground and points to me, I can't hear what he says, but I know my husband said, "go to your mama." He pats the little boy on his rear and he takes off running back down the aisle to me.

The little boy reaches me, his cheeks red from running and a big grin on his face. I take his little chin in my hand, another carbon copy of my husband but unlike his older brother, this one is a little  rascal.

"What are you up to?" I tease him and wiggle my nose against his. He giggles and crawls up into the chair with his good natured older brother. I smooth the eldest's hair again and tell him he is a good brother. He smiles at me, a smile just like his father.

Layne is marrying a woman he had grown up with named Ana. They reconnected in '96 a few months after the Unplugged show. That was the last time they all played together and Layne was on a downward spiral. But Ana seemed to breathe new life into him, and in '97 Layne started directing music videos, and opened a stop motion animation studio in Seattle. Jen and Sean have dinner with them often and Jen has told me that Ana is warm and kind. And Layne is head over heels for her.

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