Part 12: An Artistic Discovery

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Ben finds Layne and me on the back patio. He looks slightly embarrassed for having passed out on my couch.

"Hey, uh, thanks for letting me crash here last night. I'll get out of your hair," Ben says sheepishly while rubbing the back of his neck.

"No worries, man, great to meet ya," Layne replies and stands from the bench we are sitting on together. He shakes Ben's hand.

I love that Layne feels comfortable at my home and that he interpreted Ben's apology as being towards both him and me--as if this is a home we share together. A space that is ours that Ben invaded. I grin stupidly at Ben and he smiles back at me. Ben caught onto this too.

"Will I be seeing you around?" Ben asks, my ever-thoughtful brother. I know he is asking to help me gauge this relationship with Layne just like how he asked Layne if we were dating last night.

Layne looks down at me and grins. He looks back up at Ben and replies, "I hope so, man."

We follow Ben to my front door and wave goodbye as he gets in his car.

Once Ben leaves, Layne closes the front door and then wraps his arms around me. He pulls me up against his chest and kisses me softly.

"It's finally Saturday," He says wiggling his eyebrows at me. "Does that mean I get you the whole day or do you have to work?" He asks then nuzzles my neck and begins to undress me in my living room.

"You get me the whole day," I reply then moan as his mouth connects to my breast.

"Good," he replies his breath warm on my nipple.

His arm slides under my ass and he lifts me against his hips. I wrap my legs around his waist and bury my hands in his hair. We stand there for a moment, our tongues teasing and caressing each other. He breaks the kiss and looks over at my wooden work desk with the files neatly stacked on the edge.

"I have been wanting to fuck you on that since I saw you sitting there yesterday morning," He carries me over to the desk and sits me down on it. He pulls off my sweatpants and kisses up my thighs.

I pray that the large Oak tree in the front obscures our scene against the window from my neighbors as Layne takes me against the desk.

We finish quickly, he knows my body now so well that he is able to make me cum almost immediately. He helps me off the desk hands me my sweater then pulls his jeans up and over his slim hips. He buttons only the top button and bends down again for his shirt.

He runs his hand up my leg as he stands then looks down at me when he reaches his full height.  I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him lightly.

"I have something to show you," I say and kiss the tip of his nose.

"Really? I think I have seen everything..." He replies and hooks his finger in the collar of my shirt to peer down at my breasts.

I giggle and swat his hand away. He reaches around and squeezes my ass cheek. "Hmm, I haven't given this the attention it deserves," He adds with a mischievous grin.

I laugh and squirm out of his grip. "You can make up for that later, but no," I say and grab his hand. I pull him from the living room and say, "I never gave you a tour." We reach a door at the back of my house and I open it, revealing a set of stairs.

"I didn't realize this house had two levels," Layne says and follows me up the stairs.

At the top of the stairs, we reach my attic space. It is a large area with high ceilings and three large windows flood the room with bright, natural light. 

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