Part 26 - Hard Truths

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Jerry's palm is dry and hot. His thumb draws a soft circle around mine as we step into the dark room. I hear the click of the door closing and reach back for Layne. My hand brushes his erection growing in his pants and I hear him chuckle at my touch. His hand finds mine in the darkness and he interlaces our fingers.

The three of us stand in the doorway with our hands clasped while we wait for our eyes to adjust to the darkness. I hear feminine giggles to my right and assume that the bed must be in that direction.

"Alright girls, turn a light on," Jerry's deep drawl reverberates next to me sending shivers down my spine. He squeezes my hand then drops it. My hand floats to my side and I stare at my hand as if it's not my own. The white skin almost glowing in the darkness like a mystical orb.

Feminine giggles respond to Jerry's command and one woman says, "Where's the fun in that?"

I hear Jerry chuckle then the room is suddenly bathed in a soft, subtle light. Jerry is standing next to a lamp by the large bed and his eyes find mine. He grins at me slightly then turns to Luna. "Hand me that scarf, sugar," he says to her and indicates the red silk scarf she has tied around her neck. She slowly unfolds her long legs off the bed and stands in front of him. Her elegant fingers reach for the scarf at her neck and begin to expertly unknot the intricate tie. He grins at her and runs his hands down her sides. He pulls her up against his length then kisses her.

I feel like a statue, unable to move, unable to look away, and completely enamored by the scene in front of me.

He breaks the kiss and slowly pulls the scarf from around her neck. His seduction of her is seducing me too. He drapes the scarf over the light and turns the room into a deep red. I can still see the figures but the light is significantly dimmed.

I tear my eyes from Luna and Jerry and realize there are two other women on the bed in various stages of disrobing. I turn and look at Layne, his eyes are dark and he is watching the two women on the bed undress each other. I feel a pang of jealousy and envy. I don't want him watching them, I want him watching me. I drop his hand and walk to the edge of the bed.

I can feel Layne's eyes on me immediately. I turn to him and slowly drag the thin silk camisole over my head. I'm braless underneath so I know this is going to get an immediate reaction from him.

I toss the camisole to the ground and Layne grins at me. He leans his shoulder against the wall and then raises his eyebrow up at me. I begin to unbutton the top button of my jeans when warm feminine hands cup my breasts from behind me. I know it's Luna and I know she has caught on to the show.

She places soft kisses on my neck and begins to knead my breasts. "Let's give them what they want," She murmurs against my skin. She runs her hands up my arms and rests them on my shoulders. She turns me to face her and I see Jerry behind her. He is still standing by the lamp and is frozen staring at me. I grin at him and his eyes darken. Luna places her finger on my chin to bring my eyes back to her. Her eyes drop to my mouth and her soft lips touch mine. She tastes sweet like cherry and wine. Her small tongue darts into my mouth as her hands run down my arms again.

Her fingers find the waistband of my jeans and nimbly unbutton the top button. Her warm fingers brush against my skin as she searches for my zipper. She unzips my pants then slowly drags them down over my ass and along my thighs. Her long fingernails lightly scraping my sensitive skin.

I'm left in just the black g-string panties. I reach for Luna's skinny dress straps and slowly drag them down her arms to release her breasts. I lean forward and kiss her jaw then down her neck. She smells like a sweet perfume that I have smelled before but can't place and cigarettes. I slowly pull the tight dress down her taut abdomen, over her hips, then let it pool at her feet.

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