Part 4 Let's Go...Continued

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Author's note: Let's Go originally concluded at Part 3. But I will continue to write character interactions for this story. I am so grateful to you for reading and appreciate your votes/ comments. <3

Let's go...Continued

I stare at him after he says this to me, not knowing what to say. He pulls his t-shirt over his head and tosses it to the ground by his side. He stretches his long legs out in front of him, leans back on his elbows, and sighs. His dark sunglasses shading his eyes from the sun and from me.

After a moment he turns his head towards me and says, "I want a family. A nice house to come home to..." He pauses, reaches up towards my face and tucks a long strand of dark hair behind my ear, then says, "and a beautiful woman waiting for me on the porch with one kid on her hip and another at her side, holding her hand."

I turn my face into his hand and he cups my face. A tear rolls down my cheek--his words affecting me more than I realize-- and he brushes the tear away with his thumb. He slides his hand down from my cheek to the back of my neck and begins to pull me to him.

My body wants him but he scares me. The emotional weight that he carries and his deeply perceptive nature worries me--this is not the kind of man that you have a light-hearted, fun fling with. This is the kind of man that haunts your dreams and consumes you. I don't think I have the emotional strength for Layne.

I pull back from him.

He kisses my cheek then stands up. He grabs his shirt from the ground, tosses it over his shoulder and lights a cigarette while facing me.

He takes a long drag on it, blows the smoke over his shoulder then says to me: "Jerry is on his way over." Then turns and saunters towards the bus.

I turn to see Jerry striding towards me purposefully, his long gate eating up the distance between us quickly. His hair is tied back under a backwards cap and he is wearing a pair of dark sunglasses, ripped cut-off jean shorts and the varsity jacket Layne had placed under my head as a pillow last night. He has a wide grin on his face as he nears me and I feel the weight on my heart lifting as he gets closer.

He reaches me, pulls me up from my sitting position and crushes his mouth to mine. He grabs my ass, his fingers curling under the short denim fabric to caress the soft skin of my ass cheek.

Then he says, "Okay, hot stuff, I've got two days off. We are going to spend them at a cabin fishin', drinkin', and fuckin'."

"Just us?" I ask with a sly grin.

He chuckles and says, "Yeah babe, just you, me, and the trout." Then he squeezes my ass hard. "Let's go get our shit from the bus then the rental car should be here, and we can get the fuck out of here," he says and pulls me into him for another hot kiss.

I follow him to the bus and he heads to the back to pack his bag. Layne is sitting on the couch, still shirtless and drinking a beer.

I can't help but be drawn to sit next to Layne. I tried to stay standing, or sit at the kitchen table benches but my body aches to be near him, just for the promise of even the slightest touch.

I bend to sit next to him, but accidentally sit a little closer than I mean to. My arm brushes against his slightly. His skin is still warm from the sun and the touch sends chills down my arms. I rub my hands up and down my arms to soothe the chills.

"Are you cold?" Layne whispers to me, his face a mere inches from mine and I can smell the sweetly sour tinge of alcohol on his breath.

I lick my lips before answering and his gaze drops to watch my tongue as it moistens my lower lip. He touches the cold beer to my exposed thigh and smiles at me mischievously, then drops his gaze to my chest.

"Are you trying to make my nipples hard?" I whisper back to him.

"You aren't wearing a bra..." He says to me in a thick tone and my stomach tightens at the memory of his warm palm on my breast last night.

Before I can respond, Jerry emerges from the back of the bus with his bag and says, "let's go, babe."

"Where you guys goin'? Layne asks then takes a drink from his beer.

"Fishin' and drinkin' at a cabin in the woods." Jerry responds and reaches for me on the couch.

Layne chuckles into his beer then takes another long drag from it.

"What?" I say in response to Layne's chuckle.

Layne just shakes his head and says, "have fun."

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