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In six seconds, Toki manages to get us behind a corner and block the path with metal doors. "That won't hold him for long, so lets hurry up and look at that hand." Toki examines my hand to find it in a block of ice. Shiiiiiiiiiiz that hurts. I close my eyes and try my best not to yell in pain from the ice burn. "We need to get you hand warm fast, or you won't be having anymore figures for long." Wow, I didn't know Toki could be this considerate and..... well..... Worried. "Here." Toki manages to break the ice with some kind metal hammer he made and slides my hand on his chest..... Under his shirt. "Shiz your cold!" He hisses at the same time I say, "What are you doing pervert!" And no matter how hard I pull, my hand doesn't escape Toki's grip. "I'm trying to keep you warm stupid. Skin on skin is the fastest way." He's right, my hand is getting the feeling back into it. Still, he could have at least warned me! With a pout, we sit there for a good minute with the guy still slamming on Toki's metal wall screaming stuff like us being cowards and all. Let him rant, right now I can swear my face is pinkish. Darn Toki, where's Ogami when you need him? "Awww somebodies blushing." I deny of course. "Listen, any girl would feel uncomfortable when a guy she barley knows grabs her hand and sticks it on his chest." He opens his mouth to speak when the wall bursts open and the man walks through, pointing the front of the gun looking instrument in our direction. "Having a little moment back here? Sorry to drop in, didn't know you two were a thing. Now I get two love birds with one stone." Then he pulls the trigger and I can't help a little yelp that escapes my lips. "Damn it!" Nope, it didn't come from me, or Toki, and considering I can still think, we haven't died. The oversized guy who probably takes steroids in front of us begins to slam the weapon on the floor, then throwing the bag pack to. What I saw in that metal can was something I didn't expect to see. A child, a little boy. I feel my eyes widen to the size of saucers as the man continually pestered the boy on how weak he is. "Stop it." I hiss through my teeth, no longer feeling like being a peace keeper like Sakura. "Stop it now!!" I feel a course of energy and all of a sudden, the area in front of steroid guy's foot crackles with a spark. The. Before I know it, he fall to the floor, head smoking. I rush to the boy, pull him into my arms and listen to that adorable voice telling me to kill them all. Never, should a little kid have to get involved with people like this for him to think like that. As his body grows cold and the breathing stops, I close his eyes and kiss his forehead. "You'll be remembered." I whisper, then get up to find Ogami. I'm so caught up with thoughts of the little boy and helping Ogami, I don't even look back to see if Toki is following me. We rush back to the room to find Sakura and Ogami still in the room. But the other buff guy is having the same troubles with the can as the other guy had. Another one? I just about throw up when a little girl falls out the the can of water once the guy throws it to the floor. Ogami sees the girl just as well as I can and I know he feels the same way I do. I can see it in his eyes. "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and evil for evil." Hisses Ogami before the buff guy falls to the floor burning. No joke, it must have been a second before he's ashes on the ground. Nobody speaks while Ogami slowly picks the girl up. For some reason, no matter how weird the situation is, I can't help but smile at him helping the little girl. That fades when she speaks just as the little boy did. "Kill them all. Please kill them." She grabs ogami's shirt., pleading for what she believes is Justice. Nothing kill me more inside then watching that determined face twist into nothingness. I can't really bring myself to feel anything after the little boy. It's like my body is protecting itself from emotion, knowing I can't handle it right now. Instead, I put my head down and follow the two boys next to Sakura. Why do I have a feeling this isn't over yet?

Sorry it's so short, I'm still thinking up how I want to tie everything in with my new ending! Hash wish me luck! Thanks for reading and enjoy.:3

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