Chapter 33

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            "May nararamdaman din ako
               Di kasi manhid na tulad mo
                Alam kong sanay bumitaw
                    Ang isang tulad mo
                     Lalayo na ba ako

                     Pano naman ako?
                     Nahulog na sayo
         Binitawan mo lang ba talaga ako?"

                   Pano -Zack Tabuldo

Athena POV

"Huy gurl, pwede ka ba tomorrow night?" Mia asked while we're eating lunch.

"Ha bakit? Ano meron?" I asked.

"Birthday kasi ni Mayor, invited ako tapos magsama daw ako kahit dalawa, ito namang si Jess may date daw kakainis" She said.

"Mga 6pm ganun?" I asked.

"Oo, issurprise nung kapatid nya kaya medyo madami pupunta, ano tara? Pupunta din si Renz para may kausap tayo dun"

"Hmm osige pero wag tayo papagabi ah" I said.

"Oo mga 8pm uwi na din tayo, osya chat nalang kita ah" She asked as i nod in response.

I enter my class after, After discussing our lesson, i write their activity on the board and seated at the teacher's table to wait for them to finish it.

I was scrolling through Facebook when Sandro send some photos. I open our message and saw that it was the soft copies of our family picture.

I can't help but to smile at it..

"Uy si ma'am kinikilig" One of my students teased.

"No I'm not, i just saw a funny meme" I excuse. I'm a English major so it's normal for us to speak English specially on my class.

"Hmm.. I already know that ma'am, di mo na kami mauuto" They laugh. I just smile and shook my head.

After collecting their notebooks i went straight to the faculty to take some rest dahil vacant time ko naman. My phone snooze which means it has a message or notification.

@Bongbongmarcos tagged you in a photo.

I immediately open my Instagram to see what photo are it.

Two beautiful families ❤

That was the caption, it was their family photo then the other one was the three of us. I can't help but to feel kilig, si pops naman ih. I double tap the heart reaction.

Sandro POV

"Okay.. Hmm I see, I'll go then Thank you" I drop the call from Mayor's secretary, it's his birthday tomorrow and they invited me.

Suddenly Andrea furiously entered my office. She throw her bag on the sofa.

"What happen to you?" I asked.

"Have you seen this!?" She raised her voice as she show me a picture of us, posted by dad. It's our own family picture and the other one was Anton, Athena and I. "Really? And that's the caption? Love naman, nagmumukha naman akong kabit mo" She angrily said.

"Dad just want to show the pictures" I excuse.

"Eh ako? How long will you gonna hide our relationship as a secret, Sandro?" She asked in a cracked voice. A single tear rolled down her cheek.

"Love, I'm sorry, please intindihin mo nalang" I please.

"No! Matagal na akong umiintindi, Sandro, ipakita mo naman sa akin na mahal mo ko" She cried.

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