Chapter 72

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Sandro POV

It's been two days since Athena and I had a misunderstanding and to be honest, until now hindi nya pa rin ako kinakausap.

Tonight, I'm folding some of my clothes that i will use to work in the Senate for the weekdays. I feel bad about working there while me and my wife are not in good terms.

I went to check on the closet to find something decent to wear. I remember i have plain white polo shirt that i use last month. Where is it?

I'll ask Athena nalang baka alam nya. I exit our room and about to go downstairs to the living room where she's working with her students test paper but i saw Mela first ironing Anton's school uniforms at one of our vacant rooms at the house.


"Uy sir, ano po yun?" She asked.

"Have you seen my plain white polo shirt? Pag kaka alala ko nagamit ko yun last month" I said.

"Yun po bang may black lining bandang kwelyo?"

"Yes that one, have you seen it?"

"Ah sir nasa dulo po ng cabinet, naplansya na po yun ni Ate last week pati po yung iba saka nya po nilagay dun" She informs.

"O-okay" I said as i went my way to look for it again. I move some of my polos and finally saw it. I really admire Athena for being such a material wife.

I'm about to go downstairs when i met her at the door way. Our eyes met as we stood up facing each other. She look so pale and tired.

"Mahal, are you done with your school works already?" I asked.

She take a heavy tired sigh. "Yes, tapos na lahat,makakapag shower na ako" She said as she walk passed me.

"Do you want water before going to bed?" I sweetly asked.

"No thank you, pagkatapos ko mag shower matutulog na ako" She said not even looking at me.

The next day, I woke up early to prepare our breakfast, while cooking Athena enter the kitchen still in her pajamas.

"Good morning!" I greeted cheerfully.

"Morning.. " She just said. She drink water and walk away. She's still mad at me.

After serving the food, we all eat. "Sabi ni Mela hinanahanap mo daw Plain white polo mo?,nahanap mo ba? " She asked.

"Ah yes, i did Thank you sa pagplansya mahal" I smile. She nods and continue to eat.

After breakfast, the three of us prepare ourselves for the day. Anton prepare himself first because his class is early than us.

"Ma, dad I'll be going, bye!" He said as he enter our room where me and my wife are fixing ourselves.

"Okay nak, Take care!" We both said.

I check all of my things before leaving. I stare at Athena who's doing her makeup in front of the mirror.

"I can't just leave without talking to you" I sigh.

She stop what she's doing and look at me at the mirror.

"I know it's my fault and what i did was wrong so i can't blame you, but please forgive me, I really am sorry" I said as i walk closer to her.

"I'm not mad, just disappointed by the way you act that night" She sigh.

I knelt down and look at her. "I'm sorry, please can forgive me before i leave" I sincerely apologize.

She weakly smile. "I'm sorry too, i just said that-

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