Chapter 76

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Athena POV

I heard mama talking to someone with my eyes close. I gradually open my eyes and look around. I'm in a private room here in the hospital.

I see Mama and Mama Liza talking to each other. "Ma?" I speak in my low voice.


"Iha" They both said as they walk near my bed.

"Are you alright, iha?" Mama Liza sweetly ask. I weakly smile at her. "Opo"

"Wait nak ha? Tawagin ko lang si Doc" Mama said. She left Mama Liza with me.

"Anak, ano ba nangyare?" She calmly asked.

"Galing po kami sa birthday party ng friend ni Sandro kagabi then we argue then kanina po nag grocery kami andaming tao then nastress ako tska--" Until i realized what happened.

"Ma, yung baby ko? Yung baby ko?! Ma yung baby ko!?" I cried in panic.

She caress me."iha, iha calm down"

I cried in bed until Mama and the doctor arrived.

I quickly got up. "Doc, doc yung anak ko please, tell me my baby's safe, doc" I cried again.

"Misis, kalma po" She said as they supported me to lie down.

Mama immediately went beside me and wipe my tears.

"You're Congressman Marcos' wife, right?" She asked me.

I remember Sandro's surname, because of being his wife napahanamak kami ng anak ko, this is all his fault.

"Yes doc" Mama liza response.

"Mrs. Marcos your cervix bleed its normal it also because of stress, and like i said it's normal but... Don't let this happen again dahil lumalaki na ang baby mo, okay?" She informs.

"Yes, doc. So okay na po ang baby ko?" I ask.

She nod. "Yes maayos si baby, you should inform your husband baka nag alala na sya"


Sandro POV

".. Yes, congressman that's what our plan is" The engineer said as i explain my suggestion.

I don't have work today, it's Saturday. But I don't want to stay in house, i feel ashame of what i did to Athena yesterday, so i decided to visit one of the projects I'm working here in Ilocos.

I don't have the guts to face her after all everything that i have said. So i decided to spend my time in working.

Suddenly, my phone rings. It's mom.

"Hi mom"

"Sandro, where are you!? We're here at the hospital, It's Athena" She said in panic.

"What?! What happened?!" I asked nervously.

"Just come here, she needs you" She said.

"I'm coming, look after her mom"

I drop off the call. "I'm sorry but My wife is in the hospital, she urgently needs me" I informed.

"Go on, Congressman kami na bahala dito" They said.

I immediately drive there and ask the information desk assign where Athena's room is.

I found it and knock at the door. Mama Teresa open the door. "Oh, you're here," She said.

I enter the room and see her lying in bed. "Are you alright? What happened?" I ask calmly as i hold her hand but she remove it.

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