Athena's letter for Sandro

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Being a fan, i might be the luckiest girl that every fan girl dreams because i met the person i admire and that's you. Thank you for being my inspiration to do my best. I know destiny made its way for us to meet. Unfortunately, in an unexpected way. But, i still thank God because he let me to be part of your life. I also want to thank you for everything you have done for us especially to my son, Anton. I know words are not enough on how blessed and thankful we are to have you. Anton's really lucky to have you as his dad and me of course as your friend.
   I take this chance to say sorry for everything. Sandro, I'm sorry for coming into your life accidentally. I know you have a lot of plans before, but everything change when you met me. If only i could turn back time, but i don't want to because i need Anton and I'm really grateful to have him in my life. I know we fought last time, i hope you forgive me. I'm just mad and i didn't mean to hurt you, believe me i regret everything i said.
  Now that I'm away, i want you do some things for me. First, Please take good care of our son, Anton. Make sure he's happy, make him feel loved and take him to church every Sunday. Second, always take a rest no matter how busy you are at work. Work lang yan mas mahalaga pa din na may sapat na pahinga :). Third, always keep in your mind na maraming nagmamahal sayo, we'll always be here for you, no matter what, especially your family. And lastly, let ourselves move on because i really wanted to do that a long time ago, I'll take this chance to be away from you, for us to move on, even you. Let me choose myself this time.
  Before, i hope it was me instead, who you choose. Our threads are connected but sometimes we need to stop things that aren't meant for each other. It hurts isn't it? I guess that's how love works. But we need to choose and this is my choice. Let us move forward but this time in seperate ways. My journey with you will always be forever in my heart, and you as well, Sandro. I'm so proud of you.
   We have reached the end of our journey, but i will never forget you. Be happy without me. Until next time... :))

                                    Athena Jane.    


He unfolds the other one...


Take this watch. It was my dad's. He told me when he gave it to me to give it to someone special and you're the first person that came to my mind that time. I don't force you to use it if you don't want to, just keep it because it's really important to me.


"Sometimes we love people
like we love stars"
"We love them knowing we can't have them"

Credits to the owner of the quotes i use that  i saw on TikTok ❤

Look i really am sorry for this haha, sa totoo lang I'm crying while writing this letter knowing how painful it is but i guess that's how love works,

We have power interruption later so i decided to finish it quickly.

Thank you for all your patience and support it really means a lot! Wag kayo bibitaw mga bb's hahaha hindi pa ending okiee? Love you all!

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