Chapter 73

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Athena POV

I still can't believe that I'm three weeks pregnant. After spending some enough time to rest at the hospital, Sandro and I already went home so I can have some rest.

Sandro supported me to walk as he carries my bag. On our way home, we talk about our plan to announce my pregnancy to both of our families.

"I'll schedule mom's OBGYne before to schedule your ultrasound this coming Saturday" He said.

"Hmm okay" I said.

"Then, on Sunday I'll tell them to have lunch in the house then we'll say it to them" He excitedly said.

"Sige po" I coldly reply. Inaantok nanaman ako.

"Then, before going home I'll buy some fruits that you'll eat, is that okay- Athena?" He asked as he noticed me trying to sleep again.

"H-huh? Yes, thank you mahal" I said as i open my eyes and look at him. He just smile and focus himself on driving.

I feel bad about what i did so move closer to him, wrap my arm around his biceps and lean my head to his shoulder. "I'm sorry mahal, inaantok nanaman ako eh" I inform.

He smile and caress my cheek. "It's okay Mahal, just rest" He kindly said.


"Are you done, Mahal?" He ask, waiting for me to get done on my makeup.

I put some press powder on my face one last time. "Okay I'm done" I said as i grab my bag and went our way downstairs.

"Where are you going?" Anton curiously asked. Sandro and I look at each other,we still didn't say to him that I'm pregnant so he'll be surprise tomorrow.

"U-uh, we're going on a date, anak" Sandro said. "Right, Athena?" He asked me so I can agree.

"Y-yes anak, don't worry we'll go home after we're done, okay?" I said.

He stare at us. "Hmm okay, wait dad! Does Tito Simon and Tito Vinny busy today?" He asked Sandro.

"I don't know, why?"

"I want to play football with them" He said.

"I'll call them, wait" Sandro said as he calls Simon if he's free. They talk for a while until Sandro said his goodbye.

"Tito Vinny said he's free but your tito Simon is still working some papers, wait for Tito Vinny he'll come here"

"Ayun, Thank you po dad. Ingat po kayo" He smiles.

Sandro and I went our way to the clinic for my pregnancy.

"Hi! Nice to see you again" The OB said. She's the private OB of Mama Liza. Sya rin yung OB ni Anton noon.

"Hi ma'am" I cheerfully said as i hug her.

"Oh, hello Congressman, come now so we can check your baby" She said as she gestures us to enter the ultrasound room.

She put gel on my abdomen as i lay down and use the ultrasound machine.

"Can you see it? That's the baby" She pointed. I smile to it, it's feel like deja vu when i first saw Anton. I turned to Sandro who's beside me.

He smile with tears in his eyes.

"Are you crying?" I ask with a small laugh. He quickly wipe it as the doctor look at us.

"It's your first time to go here with your wife congressman, kaya siguro emosyonal ka" The OB smiles.

"Yes doc, iba po pala yung feeling, I feel excited and nervous at the same time" He laugh. I couldn't help but to stare at him,He looks so happy.

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