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Corinne Bailey Rae - Put Your Records On

'You're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow'


'.. and then I told him that I wasn't feeling it anymore and I broke up with him. But I'm not bothered by it. I already have my eye on someone else.' Marlene told me while smirking. 

'You're bloody horrible Marls, can't keep it in your pants could you?' I teased. She gave me a shove, 'You're such a bitch, stop making me feel like a slag.' 'But you are a slag', I smirked. 

She just laughed, 'Oh how I've missed you. I can't believe this is my last year with you. How are you ever going to survive without me?' 

'I'm counting the days until I'm finally free of you.'

'Shove off, you're so going to miss me.'. I didn't reply but in my head I'm asking the same question, how was I going to survive without Marlene. It was then that our carriage arrived at Hogwarts.

To say I hadn't missed Hogwarts at all would be a lie. Compared to my homelife, Hogwarts was an absolute dream. After an uneventful feast Marlene and I walk to the Ravenclaw tower. It was there that we parted ways seeing as Marlene slept in a dorm with the other 7th year girls. 'I'll see you tomorrow Eira, don't miss me too much.' 'Oi, shut it.', I laughed seeing Marlene disappear behind her dorm room. Here I go.

'You think Severus Snape is fit?!' 

'I never said that, I was just saying he has the potential to be fit.' 

I enter my dorm room quite confused as to what my roommates are discussing. 

'Eira, there you are, we didn't see you on the platform or in the train.' 

'Oh I was with Marlene.'

'Of course you were, you spend so much time with her you would think you like her more than us.' I didn't reply but instead started to empty my trunk. 

'So Adeola, who would your top three be? I'm thinking Snape as number one then.' 

'Stop it Zaina , I never said Snape was good looking. Should this top three be just about looks then or does personality also factor in?' 

'Just looks.'

'Oh well that's easy then, 3rd place to Remus Lupin, 2nd Benjy Fenwick and first place Amos Diggory.'

'Remus Lupin? And no Sirius Black? Are you out of your mind?.'

'Remus has that whole mysterious act, and his scars make him well fit. With the amount of girls Sirius has shagged you'd be sure to catch something, Zaina.' 

'You're so dumb sometimes, it's all hypothetically speaking. Sirius would definitely be my number one and then maybe James as second and Amos as third.' 

'Hold up you're judging me for Lupin but you have someone completely obsessed with Lily Evans on your list.'

'I told you it's about looks not personality. I couldn't stand a conversation with either of the gryffindors, doesn't mean they're not nice to look at.' 

I had finished emptying my trunk and sat down on my bed. 'Well Eira, what do you think, which one of the gryffindors should be in the list: Potter, Black or Lupin?' Zaina asked. 

'I don't know they're not really my type.' I replied, which was true troublemakers weren't my type.

'Oh come on it's not about dating, it's about spending one evening together.' Adeola added. 

'Well I don't think Potter would be a good lover, he'd probably start talking about Evans five minutes in. Same goes for Lupin, he seems too tired to go a whole night. The only one left is Black, but I don't really want to be added to his long list of conquests.' I finally replied. 

'Well so who will then take that last spot in the top three?' Zaina asked. I smirked and said: 'Maybe Adeola is right and the only option left is Severus Snape.'

Adeola screamed and threw her pillow at me, 'Look you lot for the last time, I don't like that greasy git.'. I just laughed and fell back on my bed, maybe this year Hogwarts will finally feel like home.

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