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It had been a long week filled with classes and many detentions which turned out to be not that bad. Due to my full schedule I had barely seen Marlene and so when Saturday rolled around she demanded we spend time together. 'Marlene you know I can't go to Hogsmeade.' Marlene who was sitting on a couch across from me in our common room let out a sigh. 'I know but I'm sure Sirius knows of a way to sneak you past Filch.' My mind was racing, I had to come up with an excuse to get out of this. Or I could just tell Marlene the truth. A part of me really wanted to but the rest of me was petrified, because God knows what Sirius told her about his little brother. Better to be safe than sorry, 'Look Marlene, thinking that we weren't allowed to go to Hogsmeade Zaina, Adeola and I already made plans.' Marlene got up from her seat and sat next to me, 'Okay fine, I'll let you get out of it this time but best believe you're coming with me next time.'

It was hours later when I entered the library. Luckily Adeola and Zaina didn't push as hard as Marlene to hang out. I found Regulus hanging over a book in our usual spot. His curly locks were hanging over the pages of the book, barely touching the paper. He really was beautiful, almost like a painting. It was as if he felt me staring because he looked up at me. 'Hi.' he said, his voice groggy, probably from not talking for a while. 'Hi.' I replied while taking a seat next to him. 'I uh, didn't know if we were going to study but just to be safe I brought my potions book with me.' He gave me a smile, which reminded me of Sirius'. 'You didn't think we were going to stay here, right?' 'Well, I don't know.' With a quick spell Regulus returned his book and grabbed my hand, 'You think I'm that boring eh.' Having no clue what would happen next I let Regulus drag me out the library, all the while holding my hand. It was not long before we were out the castle, was he taking me to Hogsmeade after all? My question was quickly answered when he started walking towards the Dark Forest, 'Um Regulus, where are you taking me?' He glanced down at me, 'You have been at Hogwarts for nearly six years and don't know the Dark Forest?' I pulled my hand from his, causing him to stop walking. 'Regulus, you must be mad if you think I'm going in there. For starters it is forbidden and secondly if you plan on killing me I'd rather you do it here. At least then they'll find my body, and not what's left of it after it's been munched on.' Regulus shook his head, 'You're such a good girl. Everybody's at Hogsmeade so don't worry about getting caught. And for the whole killing you, I know I come from a crazy family but I thought you were past that. Seems like you still hold a lot of prejudice against my kind.' clenching his heart in a joking manner, 'So?' he asked while holding his hand out, reluctantly I grabbed it 'Fine.'.

After walking in silence for a couple minutes we heard a sudden sound coming from a nearby bush. Startled I jumped closer to Regulus, he chuckled at my response 'It's probably just a rabbit.' Then we heard a louder growl coming from the same bush. 'Or not.' I started turning back to the castle but Regulus had other plans. 'Come on, it's too late to run away now.' swiftly he pulled me behind him while taking his wand out and muttered a spell under his breath then he pulled me along. 'What did you do?' I asked, looking back confused to see the creacher not following us. 'I distracted him with a spell.' I stopped walking, not wanting Regulus to drag me even further into the woods. Once he noticed I had stopped walking he came to a halt as well, 'You know it's best if we keep walking, that spell isn't going to keep him busy forever.' I shook my head, 'Regulus, where are you taking me? We've only just left the castle and we almost got attacked, I think it would be better if we returned now before we encounter any other creatures.' 'You know for someone who hangs around a lot with Gryffindors, you're not that brave.' he said with a smirk. I started to get annoyed, why did he even want to be out here? It seemed like Regulus seemed to notice my discomfort because his expression changed. 'Do you trust me?' I thought about it, I shouldn't, I don't even know him. But still I knew that for some unknown reason I did trust him. I hesitated telling Regulus this, scared of being too vulnerable around him. 'Okay, I'll make you one promise. If we hear or see one more scary thing I'll take you back to the castle. Deal?' I nodded, not completely content that we weren't leaving just yet, but as I said I trusted him. Or well not said but thought.

The Untold Story of Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now