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Marlene McKinnon

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Marlene McKinnon

Drawn to the Blood - Sufjan Stevens


It was Monday evening which meant Adeola, Zaina and I were on our way to detention with Flitwick. Most evenings he just lets us write lines or makes us practise spells, nothing too bad. When we arrived at his classroom we were met with a surprise, because Professor Flitwick was not alone but joined by Mr. Filch. 'Ahem ladies, I have a meeting to get to so tonight Filch will supervise your detention.' Great, I had a feeling Filch would not be as lenient. 'Well come on, I have the perfect task for you lot.' Filch motioned for us to follow him. I caught Adeola's gaze and rolled my eyes while Zaina let out a big sigh. I silently hoped that it would not be as bad as it sounded, but it turned out to be even worse. Filch brought us to the potions classroom which was completely covered in a dark green mush. Picking up my feet made an awful sticking sound and the smell could only be described as horrendous. Filch handed each of us a mop and a bucket, 'Now hand your wands over.' 'You must be joking.' Zaina muttered under her breath. 'No back talk or I'll make you clean the whole castle.' Reluctantly we handed over our wands and got to work.

After an hour Filch left us to do his rounds which gave us the opportunity to take a break from cleaning up. You would think after an hour we would have at least got some work done, but that was unfortunately far from the truth. The classroom was still covered and quite Stanly I don't expect it to be ever clean without the use of magic. After resting for a bit I went to grab my mop again, but to my great surprise it was stuck to the floor. I started pulling at it but this unfortunately resulted in it breaking in half. 'Great.' I muttered. Seeing as we had no wands to repair the mop I was forced to go look for a new one, and manage to come back before Filch. Adeola and Zaina said they'll stay back and cover for me were he to return earlier than I. It was after curfew so the dungeon hallway was eerily quiet, and to be honest quite creepy as well. I knew there was a broomcloset around here somewhere, but where exactly? I wandered along the corridor holding an eye out when suddenly something grabbed me by the arm and into a room. I wanted to scream, but it all happened so quickly. I had been pulled into a dark room and the culprit had their hand on my mouth. Startled, it took me a moment to realise what had happened, once I had got to my senses I pulled their hand off my face and turned around to face them. Even though it was quite dark I could see Regulus Black wearing a mischievous smirk on his face, one that vaguely reminded me of his brother's. 'You arse.' I said while shoving him in the chest, he grabbed my arms while laughing, 'Were you scared Filch had catched you out of bed past curfew?' 'This isn't funny Regulus, I thought you were going to hurt me.' 'Calm down, I'm not that evil. So what are you doing out of bed this late at night?' I had forgotten that Regulus didn't know I had a months worth of detention because he still thought Sirius was responsible for the prank. 'Detention.' 'Detention? I didn't know you were a rule breaker. Tell me, what did you do?' 'Well I may or may not have been an accomplice to the foodfight, but my lawyer instructed me not to talk to anyone about it.' I joked. 'Lawyer?' Regulus asked, I sighed realising that Regulus was of course unfamiliar with muggle terms 'It's a muggle thing, anyways I need to grab a mop and get out of here before Filch gets back.' I reached out to turn on the light and as soon I finally was able to see Regulus properly. He was wearing his school uniform but his tie was missing and the first few buttons of his shirt were undone. Regulus had different plans and turned the light back off and stepped closer to me 'Why must you leave so quickly? I can't let you go now that I finally have you alone.' as he spoke the words his hands found my hips and he pushed my back against the wall. 'Regulus-' I said, I knew I shouldn't let him keep me but it felt nice to be with him, alone. Regulus started to leave soft, gentle kisses along my jawline, down my neck and across my collarbone. Without thinking I bent my neck backwards while my left hand found its way in Regulus' hair. Regulus looked up to me while he kept kissing me, with his one hand he started to unbutton my blouse. His gaze stayed on me, it was as if he wanted to see what kind of effect he had on me. I broke eye contact by closing my eyes, enjoying this moment a bit too much. Luckily I was brought back to reality by my foot accidentally kicking a bucket. Regulus laughed and rested his forehead against my collarbone, 'Way to kill the mood, Eira.' 'I really do need to get going, Regulus.' Regulus lifted his head up and caught my gaze, 'Okay, but next time I won't let you get away that quickly.'

Luckily I returned just before Filch and detention went on as usual. When he finally let us leave the classroom was far from clean but I think he realised it was a mess that without magic would never be gone.

On Tuesday during potions class I felt Regulus' eyes on me. It was hard to concentrate knowing he was looking at me. I felt uneasy after what had happened the day before. It wasn't that I didn't want it to happen but it all felt like whatever was going on between us was moving at a very quick speed. I had never really had a relationship with anyone before. I didn't know what Regulus' intentions were and I honestly was scared that if things moved too quickly I could get in over my head. I didn't really have crushes. Well except for Jeremy that is. I wonder if Marlene could be the reason for my inexperience when it came to love. I felt like she experienced enough for the both of us. Not that I minded in the slightest. Life was complicated enough without love. So as I sat there in potions class with Regulus' eyes almost burning a hole in my back I made a decision. I wasn't going to overcomplicate this. It would be better for both of us. We should stay friends. Well, secret friends that is. Eira turned around and met the eyes that had surely been eyeing her for the most part of the class. She smiled at Regulus and he returned the smile but shortly after broke the eye contact. I will tell him tomorrow, Eira thought to herself. She just had to find a way to meet up with him without the Slytherins finding out, or worse Sirius. Marlene has not pushed her on why she had a small love bite on her neck but she saw Sirius eyeing it for a wee bit too long. She thanked the Gods that he did not question the culprit of the deed but she knew he was just not willing to spoil the mood. He knows what's good for him. 'So let's get started on our potions shall we.' Slughorn announced and Eira came to the realisation that she had spent the whole of his lecture thinking about the Black brothers. 'Bloody hell.'

At dinner time Eira waited in front of the great hall, hoping to catch Regulus. He had spent the most part of his day staring at her but a conversation was impossible with all the lurkers. The Marauders were all a year ahead of them so they formed no threat to their situationship but unfortunately the majority of the Slytherin boys shared their classes. It is weird how in Eira's mind the Marauders and the Slytherins are classified in the same category. They would hate her (even more) if they only knew. As a hasty figure passed by her she realised was Regulus, she got taken out of her train of thought. He was alone so she needed to seize this opportunity to speak to him. Much like he did the night before she pounced on him and pulled him into a side corridor. However she was a lot less gallant seeing as she had no muscle to pull the tall Slytherin with her. After stumbling a little she managed to get him where she needed him. Confused, Regulus looked at her, 'Can I help you?' 'We need to talk.' they said simultaneously. 'Aren't we talking right now?' Regulus asked with a cheeky smile. Eira, already anxious, didn't appreciate the joke and slapped Regulus on the arm. 'Ow.' 'Sorry, I mean we need to talk somewhere private.' As she said the words she glanced towards the great hall hoping not to see anyone she knew. As fate would have it Marlene walked past with her buried in a book. Please don't look up, please don't look up. But Marlene never was one to follow one's orders and did exactly that, look up. As if she could sense Eira's eyes on her she instantaneously made eye contact. A look of confusion appeared on her face and in a spur of panic Eira blurted out to Regulus 'Meet me at the room of requirement, tomorrow after dinner.' the second -and not a moment later- the words left her mouth she ran towards Marlene, leaving Regulus confused behind. 'Ah I am starving, how was your day?' Eira asked, hoping to distract Marlene from what she saw. 'What were you doing with Sirius' little brother?' Marlene asked. She was after all a Ravenclaw and knew exactly what Eira was attempting to do. 'Oh that.. We were just working on some homework.' 'In a dark corridor?' Eira realised how stupid her excuse sounded the second it left her mouth. 'Well, let's just get some food before you starve to death.' Marlene said as she realised nothing smart was leaving Eira's mouth anytime soon.


is miss girl really going to friendzone REGULUS BLACK????

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