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Eira's hands touched the different fabrics that hung in the shop, not sure what she was looking for but still mesmerised nonetheless. 'What do you think of this?' Marlene held up a cerulean dress that many mothers would consider way too short but for Marlene the perfect length. 'Very slutty, very you.' Eira said while she averted her gaze back to the dresses in front of her. 'Thank you, now we just need to find something for you to wear. I am thinking green.' Eira looked up, 'Hard pass, I don't want people to think that I am a Slytherin with the mask.' Marlene sighed, 'This party is supposed to unite the houses, that's why I chose this theme. We should not judge others based on their house.' Again Eira stopped looking at the dresses and instead shifted her gaze to her best friend, 'You're so full of shite.' Marlene laughed, 'Come on Eira, these trying times need us not to focus on our differences but rather our similarities.' 'So you're saying that if Mulciber were to show up to your party you would want us to just to act as if he isn't hexxing muggleborns in the hallways?' 'That is a great point that you make. Are you by any chance a very wise Ravenclaw?' 'Well actually I am a super evil Slytherin, but I heard that this party of yours is open to any and all students.' 'Shut it, let's find you a dress otherwise you'll have to attend it naked.' 'That would be something for sure.'

After playing dress up for some hours Eira and Marlen both managed to find something to wear for the party. They made their way back to the castle and discussed what other preparations needed to be taken. Well more so Marlene told Eira what she still needed to do while Eira just listened. For the past six years this had been Eira's reality, being able to listen to her best friend ramble. As the years passed and the moment that this wouldn't be here daily reality kept inching closer she came to appreciate these moments more. 'Where are we getting our masks from?' 'I am making Jeremy apparate into hogsmeade on Thursday. Mum has two beautiful masks and we need to stand out.' At the mention of Jeremy a slight blush appeared on Eira's cheeks. Her mind had been so preoccupied with Regulus that Jeremy had not crossed it in a while. 'Will he attend the party or is he just here to play owl?' Marlene looked over at Eira with a smirk,she had not forgotten what had transpired on New Years. 'He might be in attendance, but you of course won't know who he is because of the mask.' Eira doubted she wouldn't recognize Jeremy, it's not as if his body is unfamiliar to her.

Summer of 1976

Eira didn't understand how this came to happen, it just did. Suddenly Jeremy was leaving kisses along her collarbone while gently gliding off her dress. While he did this she held her hands in his luscious curls trying to hold on to him as if he were to run away if she wouldn't. 'Is this okay?' Jeremy whispered against her skin. His warmth breath against her skin caused her to feel even warmer than she already did. She hummed, telling Jeremy that this was more than okay. 'Don't stop' Eira couldn't believe this was happening right now.

She had had a crush on Jeremy for longer than she cared to admit but never had she thought that this would happen. She had been visiting Marlene for the summer, a tradition they had held up for years. They spent most of their days in the garden, today was no exception. When they felt like it they would garden a little, other days they would tan some. Today was different though, because Marlene had ditched Eira for a boy. It was a boy she had met on a night out, he was a muggle and Marlene just had to have a forbidden love experience. 

So today Eira was by herself. She sat in her bathing suit, eyes closed, soaking in the rays of sunlight that decided to grace her this day. From the house Jeremy watched his little sister's best friend, deciding that he would keep her company for the day. He made his way down to the garden. Eira, still basking in the sunlight, had no idea that the Mckinnon brother was making his way towards her. From behind her Jeremy had grabbed the water hose and started to aim it towards her, in an instant Eira's eyes shot open. 'AAAH.' Eira jumped up from the lounge chair, confused as to what was happening. Once she saw Jeremy she instantly knew who the culprit was. 'What are you doing?' 'Just entertaining you while my sister is away.' 'Well I appreciate the sentiment but you know you could have just come and talked with me.' 'Well what's the fun in that?' Jeremy gave Eira no time to reply and pointed the water hose back on Eira. Stunned, she ran towards him and grabbed the hose from his hands and pointed it towards him. This ensued a game of fighting over the hose while simultaneously drenching each other in a wasteful amount of water. Once Eira realised this was a fight she wasn't going to win she decided to make a run for it. She made her way through the bushes trying to hide from Jeremy but he easily managed to catch up to her. He grabbed her by the waist and picked her up dragging her back to the wretched hose. 'No, let go, I'm already drenched.' 'Do you surrender?' 'Yes, but only if you put me down.' Jeremy took Eira's bait and let go of her. She however saw this as her chance to get the hose herself. Jeremy smiled, he should have known this was her plan. From his pocket he grabbed his wand, 'Auguamenti', and just like that Jeremy had levelled the playing field. Eira felt defeated and decided to surrender anyways. 'Okay, peace. I am going to go inside and change.' As she raised her hands and slowly made her way to the house she tried to not focus too much on how good Jeremy looked in his drenched white linen shirt. 

She made her way to the bathroom and changed into her summer dress she noticed the window had been left ajar. She peeked outside and found Jeremy had taken a seat in the lounge chair. The white shirt he had previously been wearing had been removed, letting the sun dry him up. As she admired him from above it was as if he felt her eyes on him and his gaze found hers. In a teasing mood Eira turned her back to Jeremy and started to take her bathing top off. She made sure not to move away from the window. As she peaked back she noticed him looking her way, just as she planned. Jeremy did not break eye contact after being 'caught', rather he kept looking, as if to dare her to continue with the teasing. Eira however decided not to take this any further and closed the window. She let out a sigh, she was acting reckless, maybe the heat was getting to her? She quickly dried herself off and put on her dress. It might be best that Marlene comes back quickly from her date, before she does something she might regret.

The potential cause of her regret had made his way up the stairs, unable to stay away from Eira Jeremy knocked on the bathroom door. Eira, knowing that no one else but Jeremy was in the house contemplated not opening the door. They were playing with fire, but she quite liked the heat. She opened the door and leaned her head against the door, 'Yes?' Jeremy shook his head, 'You have to stop this. You are making it very hard for me not to cross a line.' 'I have no idea what you are talking about.' Eira decided to play dumb. 'You are killing me here.' Eira liked seeing that she had an effect on Jeremy and not just the other way around. She took a step forward, her dress brushing against Jeremys still wet and bare skin. 'But I'm not doing anything?' Jeremy raised his left hand and caressed the side of Eira's arm, sending shivers down her spine. 'I am so going to regret this.' In an instant Jeremy connected their lips, catching Eira by surprise. His hands made their way to her neck deepening the kiss. Eira felt like she was dreaming and just let herself be swept up in the moment. Jeremy however was determined to make the most of the moment and picked Eira up from the ground, who instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist. He made his way to his room and gently placed Eira on the bed. As he made his way down her neck making sure to kiss every inch of her skin he realised what he was doing. 'Are you sure?' 'Yes.' It was all Eira could bring herself to say. She was sure that to any question Jeremy had she would say yes. He was intoxicating. This moment between them was fleeting but they would only realise after it was already over. Maybe if they knew what was to come they would have cherished it more. One thing would be for sure, Eira knew she would never forget what happened between them that day.


This is so short but took so long... Drama is coming Eira's way she's not even half ready. 

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