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Stealers Wheel - Stuck in the Middle with You
'Clowns to the left of me!
Jokers to the right!
Here I am stuck in the middle with you.'

Classes were as boring as ever and I had never felt more lonely. The only time I saw Marlene was during breakfast and dinner, she didn't even have time for lunch. All her time went to studying, she wanted to become an auror so she needed all O's on her N.E.W.T.S. Her occasional free time was spent with Sirius, probably in broom closets. However I wasn't the only lonely ravenclaw, since Adeola started dating Amos Zaina has also been more alone. But unlike me, Zaina has loads of friends in other houses. I never really found my people at Hogwarts, except for Marlene of course. I thought back to how we met.

I was sat at the table in the Ravenclaw common room, struggling to finish my essay for charms. A month ago I was excited to go to Hogwarts, to finally learn how to do proper magic, now that I'm here I'm stuck writing essays and learning useless charms like wingardium leviosa. I sigh and put my head in my hands. 'You know first year you've only been here for a month, you're not supposed to be stressed out already.' I look up to see a blonde girl standing next to me. 'So which class has you freaking out' she looks over my parchment, 'oh I see, good old Flitwick, you would think as our head of house he would cut us some slack but unfortunately that's not the case. What's your name?' 'Eira' I replied quietly, confused as to why a second year was being nice to me. 'I'm Marlene, and you're in luck, I still have this essay in my dorm. I'll be right back, Eira.'.

Marlene sat with me the whole evening sharing her knowledge about school but also ofcourse boys. She made me feel safe for the first time at Hogwarts, and I honestly wondered how I would survive Hogwarts without her next year.

Authors note
Just a little backstory on Eira and Marlenes friendship.

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