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My head was heavy as I walked the hallways the next morning. Whose brilliant idea was it to have a party on a Sunday evening. My first class of the day was potions, the best subject to have when you’re recovering from a hangover. At least I could easily slack off, because Slughorn didn’t really pass by my table frequently. I was one of the first students in the classroom. I quickly took my seat and rested my head on my arms, wanting to rest just a little bit before class started. Although my rest was soon disturbed by Slughorn's voice announcing we would have to work on an essay, in pairs. Oh fun, another essay and seeing as I was alone it would double the load.

Just when Slughorn wanted to start with his lesson the door swung open. I looked up and it was none other than Regulus Black. ‘Come Mr. Black, take your seat, I was just about to explain the essay you will be working on in pairs.’ Regulus quickly entered the classroom and with a quick pace started walking towards his seat, but he passed Barty, and walked towards the back of the class, towards me. Am I dreaming or is Regulus Black going to sit next to me? He hastily took the seat next to me and Slughorn started to explain the essay.

I turned my head and looked at Regulus, but his eyes were glued on Slughorn. Maybe he sat here because he planned on threatening me so I won’t tell anyone what I saw last night. But now he’s stuck doing the essay with me. Barty Crouch gave me a dirty look, probably annoyed that I took his partner, seeing as Regulus was the best in Potions in our class. I just looked away, I didn’t ask for this, and if I could I would give Regulus back to him. 

After that strange hour of sitting next to Regulus, working on a potion in silence, I walked through the hallways to my next class. Suddenly he was walking next to me, ‘So when are we going to work on this project?’, he asks. I look at him confused: ‘You mean we’re going to do the essay together?’ ‘Obviously, otherwise I wouldn’t have sat next to you, I’m tired of Barty Crouch using me for good grades in potions. I thought you’d probably be a better partner, seeing as you’re a ravenclaw and you’re always in the library.’ I was confused. How did he know I go to the library a lot, I haven’t seen him there, besides that one time.

‘So you didn’t sit next to me to talk about last night then?.’ ‘There’s nothing to talk about. I suggest we meet tomorrow afternoon in the library, your usual spot?’ ‘Uhm, that’s fine.’ He started to walk away but after a few steps turned around and said: ‘By the way what’s your name Ravenclaw?’ ‘Eira’ I replied. He nods, ‘See you around, Eira.’ 

When dinner ended I quickly went to Ravenclaw tower feeling quite tired still from last night. I found Zaina already in our dorm. ‘Did you skip supper, Zaina?’ She nodded, ‘I’m so over having dinner with Adeola and Amos, they’re always acting so lovey dovey all the time, it makes me sick. I missed when it was just us two, now we never get to talk.’ ‘I know how you feel Marlene and Sirius are always hanging around each other, at least Amos is nice, Sirius is such an ass.’ ‘He’s a boring Huffelpuff is what he is. I know I’m a horrible person, but I’m secretly hoping they break up.’

Then the door opens and Adeola walks in, ‘Hey girls, how are you? Amos and I just spent 10 minutes in a broom closet, it was so romantic.’ ‘Really sounds like it.’ Zaina whispered under her breath. ‘So Eira, I saw you sitting with Regulus Black in potions today, what was that all about?’ Adeola asked eagerly. ‘Oh, it’s nothing, he just wants a smart Ravenclaw to work on the essay with.’ 'Really, you would think as top student Regulus wouldn't need any help.' Zaina said. I didn't reply, because honestly I still didn't understand why he wanted to be my partner.

'He's quite handsome, don't you think Eira?'  'I hadn't noticed Adeola' 'He's a Black after all, just the quiet brooding type.' Zaina added. Luckily the conversation steered away from Regulus' attractiveness. I obviously thought he was fit, but it wasn't something I wanted Adeola and Zaina spreading around. Especially seeing as I have to work with Regulus on this essay the coming week. It's already awkward enough, I don't need him thinking I’m in love with him to make it worse. 

The following day I was waiting in the library for Regulus to show up. It was already 20 minutes past our meeting time and I was starting to get worried, what if he stood me up. Then finally I saw him enter the library and make his way to where I was sitting. 'How are you, Eira?', Regulus asked nonchalantly, as if he wasn't at all late. 'I'm fine' I didn't even bother asking him back, knowing I wouldn't get an honest answer. 'Let's get to it then.' 

An hour later we had made little to no progress. All the ideas I suggested, Regulus would immediately shut down. I was getting more frustrated by the minute, and I wished I had just worked alone. ‘What if we talked about the effects of drink of despair?’ Regulus proposed. ‘That sounds fine, let's just start writing, the quicker we start, the quicker we’ll finish.’

‘What Ravenclaw, don’t feel like spending more time with me? And here I thought we were having a grand time.’ ‘You constantly criticizing me doesn’t really count as grand in my books.’ ‘I just want to deliver quality work, I thought as a Ravenclaw you would understand.’ ‘Not everyone wants to be Slughorn’s favorite, besides it’s not like Ravenclaws are only smart, we have many great traits.’ ‘I’m already Slughorn’s favorite.’ Regulus, who was sat next to me, leaned in, ‘Well, enlighten me, what are these great traits you possess?’ with him so close I suddenly felt nervous. ‘Well we’re witty, creative and quite curious.’

‘Oh and what are you curious about, Eira?’, thinking about my answer, my eyes glanced over his lips. ‘Everything.’ Regulus sat straight again in his seat. ‘So, drink of despair then?’ I just nodded, confused as to what had just happened and why I was thinking of kissing him for a fleeting moment. 

When I finally left the library I found Marlene waiting for me in the corridor, ‘How did you know I had finished in the library?’ ‘I have my ways’ she smirked.

‘Please tell me Sirius is not lurking around here too, I just don't have it in me to deal with him right now.’ ‘He’s not, had enough Black for the day then?’ I looked at her confused, ‘I saw you sitting with Regulus, didn’t know you were friends. Or are you more than friends?’ she had her usual smirk plastered across her face.

‘We are not friends or anything else, Marlene.’ ‘Well, if he kisses half as good as his brother, I would definitely start being his friend’ ‘Marlene, what did I say about talking to me about what you do with Sirius behind closed doors.’ ‘Well the other day we were in the courtyard and he did this thing with his ...’ I quickly covered her mouth with my hands not wanting to hear about Sirius’ anything, ‘Let’s just get to Ravenclaw tower before I barf all over the corridor.’

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