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Laila Amir

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Laila Amir

Toxic - Britney Spears

'Don't you know that you're toxic?'


Weeks had passed since Eira had attempted to turn her relationship with Regulus into just a friendship. Attempted is the key word in this sentence. The few times they had met up she made sure to keep a reasonable distance between her and Regulus. They talked about many things, Eira tried to teach Regulus about muggle things. But some things were just too absurd for his little pureblood mind to grasp. 'So he's a spy but he's named 007?' Eira had been attempting to explain the phenomenon that is James Bond but it had been a difficult task to say the least. 'No that is just his code name, his name is Bond, James Bond.' 'You are literally saying code NAME, you know that right?' 'Whatever.' 'And so who does he work for, is it like the ministry of magic and auras?' 'He works for MI6, it's the British secret service.' 'He's a pretty shite spy if everyone knows he's a spy.' Eira sighed, 'Regulus, again this is a movie. Not real life.' 'So he doesn't exist?' 'No, remember movies are like books make believe.' 'Muggles are such interesting creatures.' 'One day I'll take you to go see a movie, we can eat popcorn and you can share all your very useless opinions.' Regulus, who was laying next to Eira stargazing in their fake meadow that had appeared in the room of requirement kicked her legs at her little joke. Of course he wanted nothing more than to lean over and kiss Eira but he knew that that was the last thing they both needed. They had taken this complicated thing and made it a little simpler. Now they could just lay there and talk about movies and men called James Bond. He cherished these simple moments, but he also knew that they were fleeting and that their true lives were waiting just beyond the door of this fake world. Not having a true sense of time but knowing that curfew was creeping around the corner he stood up from his spot on the gras and extended his hand to Eira. 'Come on, before either of us gets in trouble.'

As Regulus made his way back to the Slytherin common room he secretly hoped his classmates were already sleeping, but he had no such luck. As usual the older Slytherins were sitting in the common room. The younger Slytherins did not dare to show their faces if they saw any of them there. Mulciber reached out to light up Avery's cigarette while it hung from his lips. 'Crouch now come on and tell us how the night went?' Avery asked in between taking drags from his cigarette. The night prior Crouch had sneaked out of the dungeon to meet up with Laila Amir. She was a young witch that lived in Hogsmeade. At only 17 she had left home to open a shop in Hogsmeade and despite her having zero to no status she had caught the eye of many of the students of Hogwarts, specifically that of the male students. To them she was a foreign girl whose beauty was impossible to deny. Laila was however not at all interested in the students, she had come to Scotland with a plan, she wanted to be a dressmaker. The best the country had ever seen. So every time a student would try to invite her for a butterbeer she would politely deny. She had become known around the castle as somewhat a challenge.

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