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After a long and boring school day I was sitting alone in my last class of the day, potions. Slughorn had given us the task to brew living dead, which was quite difficult. I had been struggling for 10 minutes when I accidentally bumped a vial from my table. I tried to stop it from breaking but it had already hit the ground, as a result there were shards of glass everywhere. I luckily knew a spell to reassemble the vial and its continence. I stood up from the ground hoping nobody had seen my stupid mistake but when I looked up I stared straight in to grey eyes, Regulus Blacks grey eyes. I quickly looked away, getting back to my work. After a couple of minutes I looked his way again, he thankfully wasn't looking at me anymore so I could shamelessly stare. He was sharing a bench with Barty Crouch Jr., one of the most vile boys at school. As the typical Slytherin he didn't hold back when it came to bullying younger years, especially muggleborns. Despite his behaviour he was one of Slughorn's favorites, probably because his dad was some big shot at the Ministry of Magic. Regulus was also one of Slughorn's favorites, the man had a certain obsession with influential people, maybe that was the Slytherin in him. I couldn't understand how Regulus could be friends with Barty, Regulus seemed much more calm and collected while Barty acted on impulse and rage. Then again maybe they weren't friends, maybe they were like my roommates and I, friendly but not friends. It was strange but I started to notice similarities between Regulus Black and I.

'Eira, wait up!' ,I turned around to see Marlene a bit further down the hall of the dungeon.
'What are you doing here? I thought you were studying in the library.'
She smirked: 'Oh you know just exploring the grounds, I don't want to miss anything before I leave.'
I was confused but then I noticed Sirius appearing from the same corridor as she did.
'You cheeky minx, and here I was thinking you were studying your arse off, turns out you were just getting a quick shag.'
'Hey, there was nothing quick about that shag.' Sirius, who had finally catched up to us said.
'Stop right there, I don't want to hear anything else about what you just did.'
'I wasn't going to tell you anyways.' Sirius wrapped his arm around Marlene's shoulder while whispering something in her ear which made her giggle and her cheeks turn red. 'Siri, stop it.' 'Never.' I gagged which just made Marlene laugh, just then Regulus passed us to get to the stairs, he seemed in a hurry. As he walked by I noticed Sirius' eyes follow him, I've always wondered what their relationship was like since he had run away. It seemed like his face was sad for a moment but he quickly was back to whispering in Marlene's ear as if he hadn't even seen his brother pass us.

'So, you'll come with me right?' Marlene asked me while I was stuffing my face with roast potatoes. 'To Sirius' birthday party? Have you lost your mind?'
'Come on, it'll be loads of fun and besides it's not like you have anything better to do.'
'That doesn't mean I want to spend my evening watching you and Sirius suck faces.'
'I promise we will leave as soon as you want to and who knows maybe you'll find your own boy to snog.'
'We both know that's not going to happen.'
'Okay but promise you'll come.' 'I promise.'
I finally gave in, knowing Marlene wouldn't let me say no.

The Untold Story of Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now