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Grant McKinnon

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Grant McKinnon


It felt like forever till Christmas passed, but thankfully it was finally over. Much to John's dismay I started packing my bags on the 26th, so I would be ready to leave first thing in the morning. John insisted on me taking the train if I wanted to go so bad, even after my mum's attempts to persuade him to drive me. I didn't really mind, the less time I spent with him the better. And just like that I was on the train to Cornwall. 

'Finally, there you are!' Marlene greeted me as I arrived. She quickly wrapped me in a hug, 'Sorry for the delay, had to come by train. My dad didn't want to drive me.' I said with finger quotes, indicating I wasn't talking about my actual dad. 'That's not very fatherly of him.' I laughed I had only been at Marlene's a mere moment and she managed to put a smile on my face.

I went to go carry my trunk upstairs but Marlene stopped me, 'Let me.' She took out her wand and whispered a spell, and just like that my trunk was upstairs. 'You know that's illegal little sis.'

I turned around to see Jeremy McKinnon standing in the kitchen door. I hadn't seen Jeremy in a while but he hadn't changed much. He was only two years older than Marlene, and quite handsome. He had this boyish charm, and I hoped that when he grew old he would never lose it. Apart from his looks and his charms and most importantly nice, this all led to me developing a small crush over the years. Safe to say that after he left Hogwarts he only got better looking. 

'So what, didn't stop you from doing magic at home before turning of age. Besides it's a stupid law anyways.' 'Watch out Marlene, the ministry might hear you and then you'll never get that auror job you so desperately want .' I chuckled, 'Alright, Eira?' he asked. 'Just dandy. Is Grant around here too?' 'Left for town. But who cares, I'm your favorite Mckinnon, right?'

'Well..' 'I'm her best friend so it's obviously me right, Eira?' I smiled at the both of them, 'I think you know it's Grant.'

'The only sensible answer, ' the oldest Mckinnon walked into the living room and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, 'there's a reason why they put you in Ravenclaw.' Marlene just rolled her eyes at us, while Jeremy mouthed at me, 'I know it's me.' while winking. 

During lunch we listened to stories of Grant's new job at the Department of International Magical Cooperation. He had left Hogwarts when I was only a second year so I hadn't gotten to know him much at school. But through the years with my frequent visits to the Mckinnon's I had seen Grant grow from a schoolboy to a proper businessman. Jeremy had chosen a different path. He spends his days travelling the world whereas Grant only visited other countries on business. It seemed like the sorting hat was once again right by placing them in Hufflepuff and Slytherin. The brothers so different still got along like a house on fire. There was time where I was jealous of Marlenes home situation, but Marlene always made me feel included in her family. It didn't get rid of the feeling of being unwanted but it rather replaced it with another, a sense of being apart of something. 

'Crouch is an absolute nightmare to work with. Everything he says goes. And whenever I try to intercept, he's swift to remind me I'm only a new employee.'

'It's probably hereditary because his son is also quite horrible, spends his time hexing younger years and muggleborns' I said.

'That doesn't surprise me one bit. But I assume his attitude is also a cry for attention from his dad. He's always at the ministry even during holidays.' 'Might be but why target muggleborns, seems like he truly believes in blood purity.' Marlene added.

'A typical Slytherin then?' Jeremy said. Grant gave him a shove, 'Don't worry brother, there's nothing typical about you.' 'Talking about blood purists, I heard sis here has invited a certain Black to our party.'

'Sirius is not a blood purist, you'd really think I'd be friends with one?' 'I don't know if he was fit enough.' Jeremy joked which caused me to chuckle.

'What about you Eira, got a blood purist date for the party?' My mind went to Regulus but I shook my head. I had tried my best not to think about him, not wanting to get my hopes up. But now that I'm here I can't stop thinking about his promise to write to me.

'So if I'm correct that means you have no one to kiss at midnight?' 'No, I guess.' He gave me the classic Mckinnon smirk which caused a blush to form on my cheeks, but Marlene interrupted our moment.

'Whatever you're planning Jeremy, it's not going to happen on my watch.' 'Don't worry Jeremy, she'll be too preoccupied with Black anyway.' 'That's it,' Marlene stood up and pulled me from the table, 'let's go to my room.' 'Bye Eira' Grant said, while Jeremy blew me kisses. 

'Eira?' 'Yes, Marlene' 'Do you ever think about what you'll do after Hogwarts?' Marlene and I were laying on the carpet in her room while listening to the music coming from the radio.

'Not really, I'll probably just travel around a bit before I get a job and settle down.' 'And the war?' 'What about it?' 'How does that fit into your plans?' 'What are you getting at, Marlene?' 'I'm just saying, there's a war going on and you talk about travelling the world.' 'What would you want me to say then?'

'Jeremy's friend Edgar, you know Amelia's older brother, said Dumbledore's rounding up people.' 'Rounding them up for what?' 'To fight.' My mind started spinning, sometimes I forget that there's even a war going on. 'What else did Edgar say?' 'Not much, though he did ask Jeremy if he was interested in joining .'

'And is he?' 'I'm not sure.' 'Would you join?' 'Eira, this is how I see it, let's say when I'm old and gray and my beauty has long faded I want to be able to say I fought on the right side of history. And even though I'm far from brave I know I could kick some death eater ass.'

I smiled at her comment, but at the same time it saddend me, because I knew that this war was no joke. And if Marlene did decide to fight alongside Dumbledore she would be putting a target on her back. 

The next chapters are some of my favs so stay tuned for that :).

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