Chap 4 : Droplets Of Love

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However, Haven was in a different position as he was rushing to a place that he never knew where but it was a place where the cellphone was located.

"We're here Sir" one of his bodyguards stands behind him.

"Who's in there?" he asked.

"From the tracker, I found that there's only her in there and there's no one around here, we'll prepare the guards to help you bring her out if you want" that bodyguard waited for Haven's answer.

"Send those guards to settle her and send her back, other rest will be under my investigation. Let's go to the office now" he said and entered the car, heading to the company.

"Where's the guests?" he asked one of the male employees but he was speechless.

"I asked you one more time, where were the guests?!" he slammed the table and he flinched.

"M-Ms. Aviana sends them out as they can't wait anymore or they'll cancel everything" he stuttered while explaining.

"Call Aviana here" Haven gently massages his forehead and Aviana enters his room.

"Yes Mr. Haven" she greeted and bowed.

"Why did you send them out? Can't they wait for a while?" he asked in a cold and fierce tone.

"That's the problem, they can't…" Aviana throws her gaze as she can't see Haven's scary angry face.

"Then…make them stay!!" for the second time he slammed the table but this time with a document.

"If we hold them longer, they'll rebel to leave and it'll be a massive problem for the employees," Aviana explained.

"So why do you think I hired you as my secretary if this small matter also you can't handle?!!! 3 years isn't enough for you to handle those men?!!" he yelled and Aviana clenched her skirt, for the first time she saw he'll be this fierce and terrifying.

"I-I'm s-sorry, Mr. Haven" she bowed and heard Haven's sigh.

"When will the meeting be held again?" he lowered his voice this time. 

"Same day and time, next week"

"Get out, I don't want to see your face, today" he said and Aviana bowed, walked out.

It was so sudden until her tears almost fell, why Haven suddenly short-tempered while this morning, he was still in a good mood and fine. 

Aviana looked at herself in the mirror "I shouldn't cry for a bastard like him! 3 years and I already heard a lot of scolding from him, today is also the same day as before, hold your tears Aviana, hold it!" she looked up but still one tear fell down.

The moment she realized that she just can't get into his fierce, scolding voice even though it's already 3 years complete because of her soft heart.

"If it's not because of work and the condition of my finances that I have right now, I'll already retire and not see your bastard face" she kept her straight face.

Aviana washed her face and put on a serious face as she needed to pretend nothing happened. 







That evening, before Aviana and Haven return to the hotel, they have a last appointment with one of the clients from Brody entp at one of the cafes.

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