Chap 16 : Oops! She Heard It...

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A week after that, the cocktail party was held as Haven's dad had some problems and needed to postpone it.

At night, Aviana stares at the gown that Haven gave her to wear when being his partner at the cocktail party but now looks like it was impossible entirely.

"I should return this…" Aviana said as she got ready to go out.

But when she was about to open the door. Haven was already standing in front of her door, in full black tuxedo, looking like a prince in her eyes but she looked away.

"Good you're here…I want to give you back the gown…" she said but Haven pushed her in.

"Wear it…" he said in a deep voice.

"Why…?" she asked and facing his face  bravely.

"You're gonna be my partner, as secretary…" he said.

"Go find someone else, I'm not interested…"

"Whether you're interested or not, you can't say no, it's my order as your boss, the CEO…" he said.

"Well, if that's the rules…you should know that my shift already ended, a long time ago and now was my private time…" she defended herself.

"I bet you didn't look at the contract properly when the first time you signed…it said that, I can steal any of your one day entirely if you didn't come to work for a week without reason and I…have proof for that" he smirked.

Aviana looked at Haven's eyes, not even a love was in it. There is hate, revenge and disgust in it.

"Fine…" Aviana turns around as she doesn't want to argue anymore cause she knows it's useless to get over the ego of him and herself.

A few minutes was taken and she walked out with a low shoulder dress and simple messy bun mixed with a cute braid at the side of her head.

A light makeup that hid her paleness and a white high heels that matched her light beige dress. Look angelic, that's the word to describe her.

Haven was stunned as his eyes were shining on her in that kind of dress, not that he never saw her, just that today she's a bit attractive in his eyes. Is that because of their argument?

"Let's go, it will be late Mr. Haven" she said while lowering her gaze, knowing what she'll see deeply in his eyes, disgust.

Haven walked out and he drove to his father's penthouse, where the party was held.

Haven parked the car and both of them walked out, she clinging to his arms and once the door was opened, the spotlight was changed.

All the murmuring was heard by Aviana, she doesn't know why all of that was heard like a negative talk in her ears.

But when they reached the table where all the dessert was served, Haven immediately let go her hands.

"I'm gonna talk to my parents, don't ashamed me or I'll not admit that I know you" he said then walked away, leaving her.

"Do you really hate me?" she mumbled and someone approached her.

"Hey…are you okay? You look pale…" a woman said to her.

"Ouh, I'm fine, just a bit tired of work" Aviana tried to show her smile.

"I see…the life of an adult wasn't that free right?" she asked and both of them chuckled, agreeing with the fact.

"No one said it'll be free though, it's just us who thought it'll be" they chuckled.

"We got the same vibe~ I'm Gina" she lent a hand.

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