Chap 10 : Him...

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The next day, Aviana was coming to work early so she'll not face Haven in an awkward moment. She was hiding in a document store at the time when Haven will come

"Heyyo!" Julia taps on Aviana's shoulder. 

"Hey! You startled me to the death!" she said while looking at the document.

"Hehe sorry~ but since when have you changed places from in front of Mr. Haven's to in this store?" she asked.

"I'm not changing places, just…I'm hiding" she whispered.

"From who?" Julia looked at the document.

"From Mr. Haven" Aviana's words makes Julia confused.

"Is he still mad?" she asked.

"No…just a small matter between us" she said.

"Then settle the things up, you're capable of any problems in the office right?" she teased.

"It's not an office work or problem. It's more like a personal problem" she said.

"Personal? What kind of personal that involves their boss?" she asked.

"Just…forgot about it!!" Aviana sneaked at the door.

"Jason…" called Haven from Jason's back.

"Morning Mr. Haven…" he greeted.

"Morning…have you seen Aviana this morning?" he asked.

"Aviana? She came early this morning…I think, just now I saw her enter the documents room" he said.

"Thank you, I'll raise your salary" he walked away.

"Thank you Mr. Haven!!" Jason bowed.

"So…trying to hide from me huh?" Haven mumbled and entered the documents room from the back door.

Julia saw him and almost greeted him but he signed her to stay silent.

Aviana still looked at the main door. She saw him enter his office, went out and didn't return back.

Haven told Julia to go out and she just nodded.

"Julia, can you look where Mr. Haven was?" she said without looking back.

"I'm right here~" he whispered right into her and made her startled.

"M-Mr. Haven?!" she became awkward.

"Run away from me huh?" he walked towards her.

"N-no…who said? Hehe" she walked back.

Aviana walked back until her back hit the wall and he pinned her.

"No way out," he said.

Aviana's heart was almost jumping out from her chest. She was at Haven's chest height and it can't be deny that she was very small compared to him.

He looked at Aviana who was bowing her head, fidgeting her fingers and just waiting for Haven's next move.

"Where's my answer?" he asked in a deep but gentle voice.

"I-I…don't think about it yet" she said. 

"Then, can you tell me when I can have it?" he touched her chin.

"M-maybe next week" she looked at his eyes with worries that he'll force her.

"Okay then, I'll wait but remember…" he touched her nose.

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