Chap 8 : Invitation

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The next day was just a regular day as always.

"Morning Mr. Haven" the employees greeted and greeted back.

Haven walked to his office.

"Good morning Mr. Haven" Aviana bowed to him and he suddenly patted her head.

"Morning, give me the report" he walked in the office followed by Aviana.

Some employees had seen Haven's treatment towards Aviana and their jaws dropped to see their cold, fierce boss, being gentle to his own secretary.

"You see that?" Mike asked.

"With my own two eyes? Of course I see that!" Jacob said.

"This is hot news, Mr. Haven was giving a special treatment towards Miss Aviana" Irenna continued.

"Don't you think that was too much?" Jacob asked.

"Maybe a bit, but the point is, this is gonna be lit!" Irenna continued.

"But the main part was getting evidence! If we spread a rumor among the employees without evidence, Mr. Haven will fire us entirely!" Mike said and the three of them smirked to each other.

"Mr. Haven, don't you feel a bit cold here?" Aviana looked around like there's someone watching them.

Haven cleaned his throat "No, why?" he said, straightforwardly.

"Nothing, just felt a sudden goosebumps" she said.

"Maybe…" Haven stopped.

"Maybe what?" Aviana gulping.

"Maybe there's a ghost who followed us when we returned back" he whispered at Aviana and laughed hard.

"That's not funny!!" Aviana hit his shoulder with a document.

"I'm just kidding" he laughed and sat down.

"What did I get today?" the situation was back in business.

"This morning, Mr. Liam suddenly called us to explain about what happened last time," she said, standing in front of his desk.

"What did he get?" he asked.

"He didn't say anything but he gave me this paper, I didn't open it yet, I think it was for you" Aviana gave Haven an envelope that was still in perfect condition.

He opened it and the things in it were only one sentence.

“Don't try to be a predator if you're the prey”

"Did he insisted to get into the office?" Haven looked back at Aviana, frowned.

"No, he just called me to take the envelope and he left after that" Aviana explained.

"I see…next report" he said, putting the envelope aside.

"You got…a cocktail party next week, Sir Victor the one who held it, he told you early, so you'll not forget about it. He also left a note that…'bring my daughter-in-law or I'll break your legs'  he said" Aviana held her laughter.

"Next!" Haven tried to cover his shame.

"Next…we got Miss Melinda…she invited you to be her partner at the cocktail party" Aviana tone was a bit glooms and Haven realized that.

He knows that Aviana thought that his dad may want to meet Melinda but only if she knows the truth.

"Reject it" Haven said it without hesitancy.

"Okay…" her voice was still the same.

"Is there anything else?" he asked.

"No…I go first" Aviana was about to walk out from the room until Haven stopped her.

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