Chap 23 : The Beach

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The next morning, Haven's parents were coming early in the morning and luckily Aviana was doing breakfast that time.

"We're so sorry for disturbing this early," Haven's mom said.

"No it's okay! I am also preparing breakfast and Haven is still not waking up" she chuckled.

"That boy still didn't wake up?!" his mom said.

"Well, he may be too tired, I'm not blaming him~" she said.

"Oh my god Aviana, what do I need to do if Haven didn't choose you~" his mom hugged her.

Meanwhile, Haven was rubbing Aviana's sleeping place and realized she's not there.

"Aviana?" he wakes up and becomes panicked.

On the other side, Aviana was preparing the plate and pancakes on the dine table.

"Madam, what flavor do you think will match?" she asked and Madam Victor frowned.

"What did you call me just now?" she asked.

"M-madam?" Aviana smiled awkwardly.

"No darling…it's ‘mom’…said it" Madam Victor pointed at a spatula.

"Y-yes mom!" she saluted and both of them giggled.

"I'll set up the table first" Madam Victor walked out from the kitchen.

Suddenly, someone came from Aviana's back and hugged her.

"What're you doing in the kitchen right now hmm?" Haven teased her.

"Preparing breakfast for my big bear here and your parents" she said.

"You called me— wait? You said my parents?" Haven looked at her in confusion.


"You trying to scare me or what huh?" Haven teased her by kissing her neck.

"Hey!! I'm not kidding! Your mom is gonna watch us when she comes to the kitchen!!~" Aviana is wriggling with him.

"Yes Mr. Haven Victor, your mom is gonna see this" Madam Victor said right at Haven's back and made him startled.   

"M-mom~" he said awkwardly.

"What sweet kitchen scene do you make huh?" she said and Haven giggled.

"She's my wife anyway~" he said.

"Not yet but she is already my daughter-in-law" his mom said and both of them argued in a cute way.

Then, right after they had breakfast, Madam Victor brought Aviana to go shopping while Sir Victor brought his son archery.

"Why did you suddenly bring me here, dad? I don't want to play some kids game here" he whined.

"Is it a kid's game?" his dad shooting passed right beside his face and it made him shocked.

Haven looked at his father full of shock and surprise.

"Don't make that face with me, you're gonna compete with me and a loser will cook dinner for the whole family," his dad said, shooting in the middle of the target board.

"Challenge accepted…a winner can choose the movie tonight" Haven said, not letting his dad win.

"Sure, a good bet cause I'll win this easily" he said.

"Don't be such an arrogant dad, you made the wrong move by training your son to become a powerful shooter," he said in a smirk.

Both of them were having a few rounds of battle and it's just the same results every time.

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